Well you all know how I made thst rant a few days ago well this is the full explanation of what went down , why it kind of was my fault, and some of the reasons leading up to that point.

My friend as you know block me because while i was in the dms of my crush I was talking to him I was asking him about my personality just to see his opinion on me he said I was cool but I could be loud at some points and to that I responded with "oh if you want I could try and fix that" which I was hinting at changing my personality and then without me even knowing the real reason I went to my friends dms which this person was known for putting me down calling me names and over all not giving a shit and I never could tell if he was joking or not but for some reason I went in his dms and explaining how I was obsessed with him and how I loved my crush and yes it was to a obsessive extent but the worst thing I said was "I would kms for him" and tbh that isn't the worst thing I have said I have done worst than that and I have apologized on my behalf for what I have said previously but to me he is freaking out when he literally is telling me someone 2 WHOLE YEARS YOUNGER THAN HIM that he's making out with his boyfriend behind a hot topic now we both may be minors but I don't really see the reason you would need to tell someone 2 years younger than you that your making out with someone and you wanna fck? Your calling me the gross one but that is literally so inappropriate and disgusting and the words you say you use the fact that your a Scene kid and stretch it so far that you have this mindset of think you can say whatever the fck you want. No that is never how the scene community was meant to be scene was supposed to be including not exploting. Then after I had finished my manic episode in his dms I said "do I sound crazy be honest" to which he replied with "um" 5 different times before unfriending me blocking my discord and you know how you can create a group on dis yeah he went through all of our old chats and left so I had no where to contact him and going out of his way to block all 3 of my back up accounts even ones I don't use and so then I'm pretty sure he told his other friend that I was friends with and he ALSO unfriended me and left every chat with me he didn't block me but he did unfriend me which makes the whole thing worse because we have been friends for a while and he understands the shit I have been through he knows I was a victim of grooming and that I'm hypers*ual but when I show signs of me reacting towards feelings I don't quite understand he shuts me out and sees me as a freak and yes I understand with that part we both have being hypers*ual as a relation but I thought I told him what I have been through what Janiyah did what my family did everything and yet he shuts me out knowing damn well I can't do it on my own but yeah pretty much that's the story so yeah I guess this is prt 2 of my rant bit you don't have to worry about it mostly because I think it will get better I don't wanna say his name because some people will try to go looking 4 him and I would never want that 4 him even if we arnt friends anymore but yeah that was this ig..

1 Kudos


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❣KingofSpiders❣'s profile picture

That sounds like a very sticky and tedious situation my fren.. If you were disgusted by something they said, or if they were disgusted by something you said, then those things should have been communicated- instead of them simply blocking you and unfriending you those things should have been talked out, and im sorry that didnt happen :( It sounds like the person you DM'd was overwhelmed by what you said, or didnt know how to respond and turned to running away from the situation. it never hurts to ask for consent before rambling about something that could lead to you talking about suicide, but either way that was a very shitty response to what you were saying, everyone has boundaries and you may have crossed one but like i said- that should have been communicated. Relationships and friendships thrive off of communication, no matter what the type of relationship is or the situation... If that friend wasn't willing to communicate with you and always shut you out through all your problems and treated you like a freak, while proceeding to themselves talk about dirty things like that then maybe they weren't much of a friend worth having. Does that mean there weren't things you couldn't do better in that situation? Nope, but don't beat yourself up over it, because that will just make you feel even more shitty- take care, and things WILL get better.

Have a feel-better heart
( . .)
( づ♡

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You are the sweetest person I have ever meet... <3

by ౨ৎ[KAGE`]ズムムモ; ; Report

you seem like a very lovely person yourself <3

by ❣KingofSpiders❣; ; Report