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last few weeks to school (finals grind) + tourney results

i just want to say. i think i'm shaping up to really hate school. i get the material. i get everything. i'm just bad at memorization and taking exams so i don't know how i'll do. i'm really scared and i'm doing the most i can do like. grind for finals or whatever. i'm like doing my best to emulate a cockroach that's very hard to kill.

anyways tourney results! we joined a different tourney, but this time i wasn't like a direct participator because of cringe rules but i was like sort of a coach! i felt bad because i made one of my blockmates feel bad because of how strict we were questioning but we ! made it! to finals! and won the championship! =3 

okay. need to rest so i can study early tomorrow. see you hopefully next semester.

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