exams...... crawling throwign up

class 4 LF

  1. essay due next thurs (nov 30)
  2. exam (dec 7) [2pm - 5pm]
  3. read unfinished readings (alterNatives (taylor), the boat (macleod), shakespeare sonnet 130, the little black boy (blake)
  4. reread already read short stories and poems
  5. ^^ take note of every name and archetype of the characters and themes and have opinions on each
  1. textbook (pp5-22,
  2. 27-56,
  3. 246-253,
  4. 88-100,
  5. 175-213,
  6. 303-316,
  7. 154-174
  8. 179
  9. 272-274
  10. 292-293
  11. 285-293,
  12. ch 8 subsection 227-239
  13. ch 6 167-174
  14. ch 9 subsection 254-256
  15. subsection organic unity 256-259
  16. sub section 259-260
  17. 179, 272-274, 292-293 AGAIN (will be on exam)
  18. 117-142 kill me
  19. 142-153 (need for next weej by nov 30))

ughmd....... what is the reason. am i born to lose every battle not just against my enemies but myself and my friends? im turning 18 tomorrow but they (educational institute think im far beyond my years. i need to sleep and cry and laugh but that will wait............ssssssssssddddddddddddddddddfesggggr

class 2 G&H

  1. exam (dec 17 SUNDAY. GO TO SCHOOL ON SUNDAY) [10 AM]

2 inclass essays

Reread entire textbook..........

make not of every region studied and customs + beliefs. i think name association would be useful too

ofther classes (not exams)

ESSAY DUE DEC 5 ????????????????????????????????????? LEAVE. write intro para + thesis by nov 30

class 1 S

  • flatland by abbott
  • northanger abbey by jane austen
  • rape of the lock by pope
  • Juvenal satire I and X
  • Excerpts from satires by Aristophanes and Lucian
  • Black no more by Schuyler

for nov 30

  1. mouseland by Gillis/Douglas
  2. Black no more by Schuyler (priority bc its a whole novel)
  3. Animal Farm by orwell

class 3 LS

read Whitenoise by DeLillo (fuckinnnn hate this book)

-> essay on white noise due ???????????????

Class 5 I

  • ch 1 Intertextuality by allen
  • ch 4 intertextuality



KILL MEeeeeeeee


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