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Category: Life

Very l8 life upd8 (referencin past blog)

I forgot 2 blog bout like the boi dat was, like annoyin me, sooo basically he wanted me 2 b his home gurl. but he was like dat he's not into like the whole public relationship fin n wants it 2 b priv8- but he was, like "oh i dont want ur bff's 2 no bout us n stuff. no pictures of us together sooo u kan post, n we kant talk in skool" min u tis was, like a week b4 my b'day (october 27thh), i was like no bcuz dat's just him wantin 2 keep me a secret, butttt then he dm me on instagram a month l8r sayin im his n 2 b his home gurl n how i keep ignorin him (he stopped talkin 2 me after i rejected him sooo) n i kept tellin him no. he's liek those hunks dat dunno how 2 take no 4 an answer, n it's liek he's tryin 2 gaslite me into bein wiv him. whats yucky iz him kallin me bae after i was like no, liek ewww yuck

XOXO ~Ktty6.66

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