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I FOUND THE STORY I WORTE IN FIFTH GRADE LMAOJDNWIBAIDBIDBIUBD teacher imee pls dont get mad that i posted this here

Book of Desire

                           In a world of humanoids, hybrids, and people lies a sacred 

.building that holds a  book which is said to grant.the wish of whoever writes in it. Many haven’t returned from the journey, only a few that have.made it back but have always appeared to have multiple wounds all over their bodies. There are many theories about this but according to those who have ventured to the sacred building they couldn’t say which of the theories are correct for they have entered beyond the gates but were instantly pushed by an invisible force that went beyond 50 kilometres backwards.

 For each species there is a different belief about why many people have failed to discover the book for years, for the hybrids they believe that corrupted souls surround areas of the earth and stop people from discovering the building by infecting them with illnesses, making venomous plants surround them, etc. For humanoids they believe that an invisible force field that shocks whoever dares to cross over. For people it is the gods that surround the building and throw anyone that tries to enter.

The last time anyone has succeeded to enter and write their wish was a man named Jurhola Berlo Tworle Miryoku in the year 1754, his wish was to bring safety and care for everyone in this planet, he was made fun of  and was called “lunatic”,”crazy”, “insane”, “idiotic” and many more. Once       

he came back everyone was shocked that he was alive. Days went by and crops started to grow faster, the rude became kind, this all became a shock when a child asked Jurhola what did he wish for he responded with safety and care which is what happened after he returned. Many eventually started to find the building to achieve what they have desire, suddenly greed and selfishness were the only traits of those who have left to find the book to just achieve material objects. 

Three friends have been researching this book since they were kids. One of the members has recently discovered an ancient text that appears in every photo on the arch of the building, “Hey guys come look at this” said Corilou ,“what’s that?” asked Xoyo,  “it’s ancient writing and it seems to appear in every shot of the building” Corilou responded “oh oka-” “wait I’ve seen that text before!” Damion interrupts Xoyo “okay then… could you give me the translation tomorrow?” Damion responded “sure bro”.The next day at school Corilou walks up to Damion and asks him “have you found the translation yet?” “huh… what translation?” he responded Corilou said in an angry tone “did you forget? You were on your laptop and writing notes the whole day!” “Ha ha ha it was just a joke you don’t have to take it seriously” Damion said jokingly Corilou stared at him with slight anger on his face “ok ok I’ll give you the translation during freetime” Damion responded. As they were on their way to class they heard someone rushing “am I late?” Xoyo asked “well we are gonna be late if we keep on talking” Corilou responded “so let’s get to class then” Xoyo added “ok fine” Damion finished.Minutes after the boys went back to their seats they noticed a new student in their class “hey is that girl new or did I just never noticed her?”Xoyo asked “I heard the student council talk about a new student, so I  guess she’s new” Damion responded “ok then let’s go talk to her” said Corilou “alright then should we go one at a time or just go as a trio?” asked Xoyo “ehh I don’t care as long we get to meet someone new I’m ready” Damion said. They walked up to the girl “are you new here?” Corilou asks “yes I am Shiso I transferred from  Japan” she responds “oh um… annyeonghaseyo” Damion says “that’s actually Korean but it's okay ” Shiso responds while giggling “what are your interests by the way?” Xoyo asked Shiso “oh I like online gaming, and legends about spirits” she responds “that’s cool we also like legends about spirits do you wanna hang out after school?” he asks “sure I don’t have anything to do anyways” Shiso responds. They started to talk about each other for a while until their professor came in “Hello class excuse me for being late but today we have a new student here please introduce yourself to the class up here” said prof. Zenith “hi I’m Shiso Yoreka and I am from Kyoto, Japan” Shiso introduced “do you have any hobbies or part - time activities?” he asked “yes I play video games during my freetime” she finishes “Thank you miss Yoreka, you now may I go back to your seat so we can go discuss today’s lesson” After school the boys waited for Shiso at the school gate. “Hello” Shiso said to them. “Hi” Damion responded “so let go now?” Corilou said “uhm go where exactly?” she asked “to our hangout, well actually it’s just an abandoned shack we found” he said.  When they arrived at their hangout, Corilou brought up the book “So do you know anything about this book?” He showed her a picture of the book. “Yes it is traditionally called ni helro that comes from the word книга желаний (kniga zhelaniy) which means book of desire in russian” said Shiso “cool we’ve been studying about this book for years and we never knew about this, do you know more?” he asked “sure I’ll teach you everything I know about this Shiso replied. While they were talking Damion noticed a piece of paper”he read it, picked it up and gave it to        Corilou “here’s the translation”he said“oh thanks I almost forgot about this” Corilou responded“what’s that”she asked “it’s a translation of some sort of text that appears on the arch of the building” he said. “Oh, may I see?”she asks“sure”responded Corilou as he shows the paper to Shiso. Shiso says the words softly as she reads “only those who ーーーー ーーー ーーーー ーーーー are aーー to ーーーー, what do the dashed lines mean?” Shiso asks Damion “I have no idea so I just added those to mark where I have to search about” he said “maybe the  number of dashed lines show how many letters are in each hidden word Xoyo suggested. Everyone agreed so they started to find words that contain 4 & 3 letters.

 After months of search they’ve finally found the correct words “only those who have the right wish are able to pass”  “what does it mean?” Xoyo asked, no one seemed to know. Many more months passed by, and someone finally knew what it meant. “I got it ,I know what it means!” Damion exclaimed “Really?! Please tell us what it means!”said Corilou  Damion answered “ok so the right wish means something that will do good not only for us but for everyone  else” “Yes, now we know what it means!” said Shiso “wait so… what are we going to wish for?” Xoyo asked Corilou answered “Well none of us have figured that out yet so we have to think that through…”. “Ugh! We have been thinking about this for almost a year, we are never going to find the book if all you’re going to do is think!” Shiso shouted in anger. “Shiso, calm down we know it’s been a long time but someday we’ll find the book and write our wish in it” Xoyo told Shiso. “Why someday and not today, that’s it I’m going to leave this group and find it myself!” she exclaimed. 

After that fight it was very hard for them to continue school with Shiso being in the same classes with each of the boys. As time went on they became further apart and more they wanted things to be the same again. Few days into summer Shiso talked to the boys and apologised “I’m sorry for losing my temper about the wish, I miss our hangouts, and meetings. I hope you can forgive me” said Shiso. “We need to talk about this first before we can let you into our group again so you’d need to wait sometime” Corilou explained to her. “I understand you may take as long as you need” She responded. Weeks went by Corilou, Xoyo, and Damion decided it was time to tell Shiso the results. They texted Shiso to meet them at the park, once the boys saw her they walked to Shiso. Corilou said to Shiso “we’ve been thinking about letting you back in and.... Congrats you waited long enough you can now join our group again!”. She was filled with joy and embraced them with tears of joy “thank you so much!” said Shiso “I promise I will  become more patient”. After that she treated them to some ice cream. They talked about their separate lives so they can catch up on each other. Shiro finally stepped in the hang out after months of being unable to enter and every minute she was in there more memories came to her. Things went back like they were before they did before. All the time they were at the shack was spent on discovering routes to the building and how to avoid getting injured while traveling to the book.They decided to finally journey to find the sacred book after 1264 years of it being hidden. Everything went to plan, they recorded their adventure with a camera and a journal to look back at it if they managed to survive. 15 months passed and they have finally found the building everyone held hands in each step they took. Closer and closer they managed to find the book with no scars, wounds or any damage. At last they finally got to the book and wrote their wish, the wish of happiness, love, and peace. As soon as they've finished writing a light appears in front of them, it lead them home safely without a single mark on their bodies. Once they got back history was once again written everyone in the world was surprised. They finally achieved what they have been wanting for years and thought themselves to never give up no matter how bad it looks.

2 Kudos


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