So essentially, he says he's like 5'8 but I swear he's like 5'9. He has looonggg ugh gorgeous fucking like light chocolate brown hair like almost to his butt, he hasn't cut it since 7th grade which is impressive for how thick it is, greenish eyes, longest fucking eyelashes I have ever seen on a male, some facial hair, big fucking meaty ass hands omg they're so hot, he weighs around 150-155, he has really cute teeth and slanted eyes, with like a widows peak and he dresses like... hello kitty shirt, grey jacket, and skinny-ish jeans and usually wears these timberland lookin boots. His birthday is February 10th, so he's like an Aquarius (I'm not a zodiac fanatic but yk)

He listens to various music, shit I've never really heard of. It's not metal, I don't really know how to describe it (bc I'm the embodiment of metal, I am deaf to other music) he plays video games, he likes Hitman, GTA4, those NCAA football games. He has like everything on Hitman, I would assume that's his most favorite game but I have no idea. 

I've never asked him his favorite color, which makes me sad. He likes tea/sweet tea, I see him drink a lot of diet pepsi, he drinks a lot of Cayman jack margaritas, he smokes a lot, he's like a YouTube kid, he watches that shit a lot. He's seen the FNAF movie, he's on Reddit to watch porn and gore and random shit (me too brother), I guess occasionally on Twitter, Discord, I don't think anywhere else. Maybe?

He lives with both of his parents, has a sister and her kid is like a sister to him, he has a brother and then people have been telling me this other guy is his brother or something I don't fucking know I'm going to be honest. The guy has literally walked up to him and called him his brother but he didn't respond and has never interacted with that motherfucker (which is so hilarious if they're actually related.) but he's never mentioned as his brother? I DON'T FUCKING KNOW DUDE

His room is so cool, he has LED lights, weed shit, alcohol bottles, energy drink cans, posters of video games, football, various random things. He has a tiny bed, he wants a bigger one but it forces us to be close together so I am not bothered at fuckin all. It's also super comfortable. He's very particular about his bed always being made and being set up a certain way. Lots of pillows, stickers, occasional stuffed animals, his tables are full of shit (again, me too, i have a lot of shit.)

He has a puter, ipad, tv, xbox, something else I guess a playstation I'm genuinely not sure, I'm kind of dumb? He also has a phone that's around the same size as mine (unlike my penis, my penis is huge compared to anyones) 

He is very, peculiar? He's hard to read, he has ADD. I think he is a little.. how do i put this.. autism. He's very in his ways, very particular, quiet in public areas, he's like a completely different person at school. He's silly, he's pretty funny, enjoys dark humor, just got an ad on YT for big ears, he has cute ears that are usually covered by his hair. He laughs loud, which is sososooo cute. He has like a deep voice but different, hard to explain. A certain accent, it's almost like country but like also like his own accent. He enjoys meme videos, his favorite YouTuber is this Manlybadasshero, he's kind of funny. I only watch him with him though.

We cuddle a lot and kiss, he loves having his face kissed and neck (I think? He acts like it at least, I hope he likes it :'D LMFAO) and I play with his hair sometimes. He likes being held, a lot of times he uses my boobs as a pillow (SCORE) and he actually holds on to me, like instead of me just cuddling him we're cuddling EACH OTHER yk? He pulls me closer and rubs my back or arms or hair, he says I make him less alone. I hope so, I like him a lot. We hold hands occasionally, and his mouth always tastes good. Idk whats up with that, give me your teeth motherfucker. He always smells good too, like his hair smells different from his body tho. His hair is almost like a sandy smell? Only way I know how to describe it tbh. His body smells good, it's like a sweet smell that I'm fuckin obsessed w. I smell it any time I'm within one foot of him. He says he sprays stuff but idk if I believe him, I think he just smells like that good fr. 

He wants to work at Walmart, as most people do around here for some reason. EVERYONE IS OBSESSED W WALMART AROUND HERE!!!!!!! EVERYONE IS TRYNNA WORK THERE but I get it they pay good. He doesn't want to go to college, he just wants a job. Respect. He doesn't drive yet but he has his permit, his permit picture is cute but I don't really remember it. 

His favorite football team is Alabama, I don't know the other ones, I don't know shit about football. He tries to teach me but every time I'm over there I'm fucked up so it never sticks. He's a hands-on teacher, so if I don't know how to do something he just does it for me to show me.

He is very much a stay at home guy, he has never stepped foot in my house ever, literally declines every time. I respect it, but bro :( my room is cool tooooooo AGH! 

He doesn't vape, but he has a vape that he holds on to because it's cool looking (those ORION vapes that are shit) and he drinks all the time and gets high all the time, which isn't fuckin fair. 

He is not a tech guy, and I don't think he views texting as a way of like.. communicating. He texts like a grandpa, and has a hard time spelling. Which is cute, I like helping him spell. 

His dad is nice, mom has an attitude but equally cool and nice, sister is cool, brother is nerdy, niece is cute, he's beautiful.

I will think of more things later

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