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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

HTML and CSS resources for your profile/site!

I've sent versions of this around whenever people ask for help with their neocities but I've decided it's time to share the list with the world! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 

CSS Resources

w3schools CSS documentation

CSS filter calculator

You know it, you tolerate it, it's Google Fonts

HTML Resources

VSCode - Big Boy IDE since the neocities editor highkey sucks. I recommend getting the liveserver extension too so you don't have to keep refreshing manually. 

online code editor - If you're on a chromebook or just have no space on your pc for vscode.

AO3 docs script - Great for paragraphs! And fanfics! And not much else! It's completely possible to use it for most writing but it can and will be funky so use at your own discretion.

Neocities Specific

Beginner's Guide to Neocities

melonland's guide to making a site

SAve MY nEOCiTy! (github, melonland forum) - a program that downloads your neocities site for offline use and archiving. There's even a version on the forum post even made a version that runs as a bash script!


sadness' webmastery resources - I recommend the layout builder (for personal sites) and the tile sets (for sites and profiles).

code beautifier - Trust me, you'll want to be able to read your own code.

I'll update this post if I find anything else. Happy coding! Remember to stay safe online! :D

<3 rin

17 Kudos


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