lz3en☆'s profile picture

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Category: Romance and Relationships

When will I be yours?...

I love A...why do I love her? I don't know... I just know that, I love her eyes, hair, cheeks, ect... but I especially love her eyes... it's like seeing a million stars that I don't want to stop seeing. ...

 I met her recently, but I already love her with all my heart...I would like to know if she also feels the same as me...

 There are two songs that remind me of her...

 1. Snow Flower - V

 2. Wonderwall - Oasis

 Those songs have a great meaning for me... since every time I listen to them I think of her...

 I look like an idiot in love with her... but the worst thing is that I am... I'm very in love with her, I don't know what she did to me... but I love her. ..

psd: romina porq tan sapa ^^

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