check my blog's profile picture

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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

AutoPlay YouTube Music Player (fixed/updated)

This code will allow you to have a YouTube video auto play on your profile!

*To change the YouTube video, edit the "VIDEOURLCODE" portion in the code.
*To hide the YouTube video, edit both the width and height to equal "0".


<iframe width="300" height="50" src=";amp;;autoplay=1&;loop=1&;controls=1" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" loading="lazy">

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Displaying 20 of 343 comments ( View all | Add Comment )

The Scarecrow!! (Max)

The Scarecrow!! (Max)'s profile picture

Can someone help?? I got it on my profile, but it won’t autoplay, you have to manually start it.

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KN1V3S!!1!'s profile picture


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crude.mistery's profile picture


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LiliWuz's profile picture


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Vivi! :3

Vivi! :3's profile picture

This is amazing!! Def using! <3

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Yuun_'s profile picture

Could someone help me the music is not playing

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3OOYOON's profile picture

I got it to work, TY

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can you help out and show me how :( ? it's nto working for me :(

by St4rSqu1ds; ; Report

It could be the default settings of your browser. I use Firefox, and by default, it mutes websites. If that's the case, change the setting to allow space to play sound. You can find the permissions as an icon in the URL bar.

by 3OOYOON; ; Report


xx.L0L.xx's profile picture

Using! TY!!

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london! ( the irs )

london! ( the irs )'s profile picture

using!1111 thanks so much.

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oliver na

oliver na's profile picture

using. thank you.

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Twig's profile picture

it doesnt autoplay for me :(

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Nyeinsu's profile picture

trying this out, hope it works!

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it's been an hour and i still didn't hear any music ㅠㅠ i copy pasted everything in my about me page.

by Nyeinsu; ; Report

it WORKED!! thank youuuuuuu

if anyone was wondering how i finally got it: i deleted the two // in front of the ? in the code bc i saw a spanish comment saying it! also take the last 11 digits of the url of the youtube video!!

by Nyeinsu; ; Report

can i ask you if you put all the link or if you cut some parts of it?

by Crimm; ; Report

hi! as for the youtube link, i took the last 11 digits of it. the youtube watch link is already written in the code so i think you only need the last 11 digits, i only found out thanks to someone pointing that out as well.

by Nyeinsu; ; Report

if you are referring to the code, and then yes i copied everything.

by Nyeinsu; ; Report

do you know if its possible to make it more quiet and subtle?

by Kate; ; Report

idk how to make the volume quieter though, sry.

by Nyeinsu; ; Report


i0ves1ck's profile picture

commenting to come back later when i feel like trying this again

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Jay's profile picture

idk if anyone else is having this problem, but everytime i put a song id into the thing it wont play, but if i put a random video into it, it plays, and it's only doing this with youtube videos that are listed as songs. i did get a few youtube songs to work because they aren't listed as songs as they only have like 300 views

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bonbon's profile picture

It's showing me an error. Anyone know why?

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Hey idk if u found the problem but the most common mistake that ppl do is to copy the share link instead of the URL

by Rumi; ; Report

Dart Highwind

Dart Highwind's profile picture

This one works. Thanks

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bl00dy_b1bb1's profile picture

it took me an hour but i did it!

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Flippy/Fliqpy's profile picture


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𝒢𝜚︰vinnie 。 ✦

𝒢𝜚︰vinnie 。 ✦'s profile picture

not working

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iris's profile picture

thank you!!!

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