TW: this is for poetic purposes
may cause dissacociationΒ
A maze
no matter where i go, what i do
i somehow always end up in the same place.
a maze, a labyrinth.
that's what i think of life is sometimes. You feel like there's a way out.
if you take certain routes
certain actions
then maybeΒ Β
I'll escape this hell hole of quiet hallsΒ
but i never do, i somehow end up back to where i started.
A cage
no escape, no exit.
freedom's so close yet out of reach. Nothing else to do other than reach my hands out the space in between the bars.
The same routine.
over, and over.
occasionally glancing at the others, stuck in their own cages.
most of them bigger than my own, most of them dedicating their lives to escaping their enclosure.
To those who did escape, they get to sit back and watch the rest of usΒ
maybe one day i'll escape my cage.
i'll find a way.
A chamber of reflection
i sit in a room, a void, a space of nothingness.
That's what i like to think.
i look back at the progress I've made. My mistakes, My decisions.
I've come a long way from where i started. I observe the horizon behind me, the path slightly blurred.
I can no longer see the cabin i started in. All i see is a flower bed along the side walk.
A handful of daisy, a patch of pansies here and there.
A bunch of roses, The stems littered in thorns. But there were no forget me nots.
the flowers that were further behind the path started to wilt and die. I don't remember the flowers from there anymore.
I look at the path ahead me, the side walk was nothing but grass. Waiting for me to move forward.
As i open my eyes, the path disappeared. The room, the void, the space of nothingness disappeared. All i saw was a chair, a clip board, and a person asking me questions.
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