楓(Kaede) the_Cursed_Doll's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

Do not interact with me list

-people who have crazy and/or extreme political beliefs be it Left or Right leaning

- creeps/pedos/pervy people (this is referring to both men and women)


-emotionally manipulative people

-people who constantly want to make their friend groups a go***mn hiearchy

-people who just want to ridicule one another

-people who use neopronouns (ikr controversial... look I'm all about accepting trans people such as trans men and trans women I get they/them but neopronouns are fucking ridiculous)









-try hard "Alpha males"

-try hard "Girl bosses"


-people who shove religion down your throat (nothing inherently wrong with being religious just be accepting of one another live and let live I'm saying this as an agnostic myself)

-blank Spacehey profiles

-people who are desperate

-openly sexual people

-people who collect friends to grow their number

-people who praise "men suck" or "women suck"

-astrology girls

-red pill boys

-Woke or Anti-Woke

-Dickriders of insert person who thinks he is an alpha king or the best dude in the world or whatever

-White Knights who simp on insert person who thinks men are useless or whatever


I may update this later but this is it for now

2 Kudos


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