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Category: Life

DID, in its actuality, because its not tiktok

I will not respond or react to anyone trying to 'correct' me or otherwise. DID isn't 'silly fun friends in the brain', its a hell caused by traumatic experiences in early development. If someone's faking DID, they're mocking trauma.

the bullshit you see on tiktok, for one, is impossible. DIDs former name (multiple personality disorder) was changed to dissociative identity disorder PRECISELY to avoid the people flowing on tiktok

to put it simplest; DID is PTSD with add-ons. ptsd premium, even. it has all the traits, but more! however, its formed strictly in early childhood (2-7 or so) from severe trauma
DID is more like being less of a person than being multiple, too. not only that, but alters dont work the way theyre typically treated on social media. 

alters are basically little fragments of yourself that you tore away and attached new identities to. these identities can be influenced by outside sources, too! thats why 'fictives' are a thing.
when an alter dies, its because of trauma healing and that part of yourself being returned back.
alters of different races and 'species' can occur. this is because the brain recognizes it as possible. 

if someone says you can visibly see alters in your vision, theyre either faking it or schizophrenic. you cannot see alters in your vision; only in headspace. but yes, you can hear them !

thats the gist of it. also, its very common for people with DID to form alters that are teens or older. this is because during their trauma, they had no adult to help, so they just kinda..made their own! that and, most people with DID don't have over 20 alters at one time, if that.

PS; don't use the word system to describe someone with DID. it isn't the correct term. just say youre an individual with DID. its better and the word system was started as a label by people faking the disorder.

PS.2; yes, people with DID can forget their trauma. its the brain repressing it. it does not make a plural person any less plural for their brain to protect them by repressing traumatic memories.

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oliver's profile picture

what exactly is headspace?

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its something everyone can have. rather than being a "DID add-on" its an everyone add-on, tbh! its actually very spiritual with many people. it isnt anything like how DID fakers describe it though. it isnt a vast land-- mine for example is my grandparents home, and if we wander away too far then we're on a road back to it, similar to coraline. the easiest way to explain headspace is like a retreat into your mind, some people use it in meditation or therapy as well. if youve ever heard of the 'void space' then its something a little similar i guess

by mae / milo; ; Report


by oliver; ; Report


melt's profile picture

stumbled upon this post, it's really accurate. thank you. the "mystique" of DID that draws many kids on tiktok/tumblr to it is easily removed when you describe the disorder as it is in reality. especially parts being the same person, as opposed to being individual people.

i do have a question though: do you have a source on the origin of the term "system"? i've honestly been looking for it for a hot minute. i have used it for the sake of convenience in the past, but i don't really prefer to. i tend to refer to myself as a collection of (dissociative) parts, or more simply a person who is being tested for DID.

also, somewhat sure plural was coined in radinclus endogenic spaces, same with fictive. worth looking into. (introject is a medical term that can be used in lieu of fictive.)

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tbh i prefer using the term introject but it seems Most People dont even know the words used for DID bc of tiktok but ummm i dont know an exact source for the word system, i just know that plural is honestly Better because it isnt used nearly as much and it works better overall. i also say that im just someone with DID rather than anything plural or system, its just if i needed to choose then plurals the best option

by mae / milo; ; Report