Ch33ze's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

is it just me or do I think a fair majory of people lir abt their age?

Like, Ik a lot of people are into the motherfucking "tramacore" shit, but like, I dont think adults would be posting... idk like gen alpha stuff on their profile. Also, with the childish blinkie always makes me think, "is this person actually 12 or what?" like not to offend anybody but like do yall think most ppl on here are like 11-13 yrs instad of 13-15 yrs?

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Quinn's profile picture

why is the userbase young all the sudden? I remember using the site a few years ago and it was a mixed bag of people, but the majority of users are now 13?

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I'm new to the site but like fr. Why are ppl so young when this is very much a Myspace nostalgia site. I think even Moviestarplanet has an older user base. I feel kinda icky seeing a bunch of barely pubescent kids on here, like where are your parents? (・_・;)

by Izzy; ; Report

LOL! yea i am a bit concerned for their safety as there seems to be a lot of drama on here, but yea! i think it's because this site got popular on TikTok for a hot minute, which has a younger userbase as well.

by Quinn; ; Report