What do I do?


So I just started high school, I'm a freshman. I am a senior at a music school, I am graduating in 2024! For the past 3 years I have been in the same class as this guy(1st year I was in a seperate class), let's call him Ethan. I haven't really seen him in the way I see him now before. He used to be just a side character. It all changed this summer. It started when he texted me on messenger, congratulating me on getting into my major(biology, chemistry, math). It turned out we went to the same school, he has this major that prepares him for a job(it's something with terrain and building bridges and roads and stuff). We started to notice eachother in the hallways, I wasn't too much into him then, but I was noticing him for the first time. It started escalating when I often caught his gaze when we were in class at our music school. He's a drummer, I'm a guitarist(perfect match, no?). I felt static light me up when I stared back into his eyes. This went on for a week or two and I decided to text him. We now text from time to time, but I always text first, no matter what. I also noticed he's giving me less attetion over the last month and a half. What I also notice though are the reels on instagram that he likes, talking about the 3 month rule and also pursuing the girl he's not interested in but blowing off the one he likes. I'm very confused on what I am to him in all this mess. I posted a ngl link on my story and I got a question: "what do you think of "Ethan" B.???", I replied to it in my close friends list with only Ethan and my bestfriend being allowed to see, "IMO a snack" and he liked my story. He didn't reply to it tho. He talks to me usually after music class about mosty school stuff. God I love his eyes. They are so beautiful. And have I mentioned his smile? He's gorgeous. He's very chill and funny. He called me a few days ago. I couldn't stop smiling and I swear that he could hear the smile in my voice. He's so cute wtf.

But our relationship has faced  a problem and has been facing it for some time. This bitch, who I will call "Sam(antha)", is trying to ruin this for me. Ever since she found out that he's the guy who I've been telling her about, she's been harrassing him. She full brown yells his name in the hallways at school and even on the sidewalk or at the mall when she sees him. She yells "Ethan B****! Ana is waiting for you! She wants to talk to you!" or "ooohh!! Look, it's Ana's Ethan!". She does it with no shame or guilt as if nobody hears. She even does it wheb his friends are near. I can tell he's upset about it. I feel so bad because he has to suffer just because I told Samantha about my crush on him. She's such a fucking bitch. She used to text him because he was her ex boyfriend's bestfriend and I' guessing this is some sort of revenge? And she has been supposedly texting other boys too. Half of the class is against her. I can't hate her though. She was one of my first friends when I started high school. I feel bad for her that such a big portion of the class is against her. But still she's a bitch.

But what about that 3 month rule reel that he liked? The 3 month rule is basically guys waiting 3 months till confessing their feelings, because supposedly after 3 months girls are supposed to "lose interest" or show their "true side/intentions". Normally, I would've probably gave up. But I've got patience. I'll even wait till valentines day if I have to. I am devoted to claim him as mine.

But also what about the other reel? About the girl he's interested in and the other one who he's not intersted in? It basically shows a scene where a man is kissing a woman with the caption"Me with a girl I'm not interested in" and then it switches to a girl standing and a guy walking by, looking at her, with the caption "Me with my life-long crush". Which one am I? He's giving me mixed signals, I am going insane. Am I the girl he doesn't care about and should I just give up now or am I his life-long crush(probably not actually) and should wait? I' extremely conflicted. 

Btw I' writing this after 2 shots of vodka so idk if this is making sense.

Also lately this guy, lets call him Jay,has started to text me and interact on sm with me more. I'm a scout and he was kind of the "leader" of the camp I was last month. He's quite good looking and I had a crush on him for a week or 2. I've long gotten over him though. Recently he has been liking my stories, replying to them, texting me. He has even been sending me "goodnight" and "have a nice day" texts out of nowhere and I am under the impression that he might be interested in me. BUT I saw that Jay nd Ethan follow eachother on instagram and like eachothers posts. From that I can assuming they're friends if not closer. Which makes he think, "is Ethan testing me? ". It wouldn't really matter though because I' not interested in Jay at all. And to imagine I was so eager to get a boyfriend or even a guy friend a few months ago.

I would most likely see Jay as a good friend. Maybe even a guy bestfriend? That sounds really nice. But I don't know if I would date him.

I want Ethan tho.

What do you guys think? Please I need feedback.

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The stuff about the reels is a little bit of overthinking; "3 month rule" is bullshit because people don't work like oven timers, and just because he liked a reel about having a "life long crush" doesn't mean he actually has one. Neither does it mean he follows the 3 month rule. You don't ever just like a video and keep scrolling without thinking about it?

If you're showing interest and chasing Ethan but he's not doing it back, I would personally not waste my time on a relationship with someone who doesn't like me as much as I like them. Never even seen a relationship last longer than a month where there's that asymmetrical interest. If you're dead-set on getting Ethan, make a move man. A bold one. Literally ask him out.

Jay is probably not testing you since guys don't really test girls, let alone girls they aren't even dating. Usually the "tests" are for testing if they're cheating. (Super toxic behavior BTW) Following doesn't mean friends either.

ur friend seems like a asshole too no offense but do with this what u will

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