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Category: Friends

why do people watch gore

i seriously dont understand why people are like "i watch gore for fun :3" shut up youre not cool, it doesnt make u special, and youre weird. most of the times, they dont even actually watch gore. the ones who do are just worse. one time i saw a gore video and i told my friend about it and they were like "thats not even bad, ive seen worse lmao" I DONT CARE?? THAT VIDEO WAS BAD, IDC IF YOU'VE SEEN WORSE yea anyways thats it bye

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Jeremy!!✧'s profile picture

why watch gore when you can watch cat be silly

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by sunny; ; Report


Baccara's profile picture

one day i was on reddit and someone asked the same thing..and someone said something like "im su1c1dal and gore makes somehow scared of death" and tthis changed my mind a little bit..
if you're watching it and keeping it for yourself/for people who like it just like you, thats okay(in my opinion) but if you out here trying to make other people to watch it against their consent and/or not putting any trigger warning on your profile/blog/etc, thats awful and actually disgusting..

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S!NN4's profile picture

N E V E R trust ppl who watch gore!!! They probably watch snuff films too!!!

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ren's profile picture

EXACTLY .. like i would understand if they meant HORROR MOVIES WITH GORE but they all just mean gore ?? ITS SO WEIRDDD .. ppl who say "ive seen worse" r also so annoying .. imagine saying ur like ACTUALLY traumatized by somethiing (like anything that can GENUINELY traumatize u) HTEY WILL ALWAYS JUST SAY "ive had worse happen to me" LIKE WHAT ..

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by sunny; ; Report


Kristian's profile picture

Super real, I was once friends with a dude who watched gore on a daily basis and had a huge fucking folder of it in his phone and PC. Not friends with him anymore cuz he was hateful and aggressive towards most people and did shit that made me feel uncomfortable. Seriously a huge red flag to be honest.

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exactly, i dont get what people gain from watching gore other than a weird fetish.

by sunny; ; Report

i do not wish on reading on all that.

by Jeremy!!✧; ; Report


by sunny; ; Report