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Category: Games

It’s been 84 years…

Ever since I got my original 3DS back in 2011 I’ve brought it with me everywhere. I got lots of street passes back in the day. Last time I got one was sometime in 2018, haven’t had one since. I just find it so hard to believe that no one around my area uses their 3DS anymore? Like not even at home??(I bring mine on walks too/used to get passes when people walked by my house with theirs). I won’t stop trying. Reject modernity, embrace tradition, start carrying around your 3DS again PLEASE I need puzzle pieces (;_;)

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easy's profile picture

I somehow managed to lose the ability to use streetpass. My 3DS is modded because I wanted to play some games I haven't in years but didn't want to spend a lot of money on getting them again. Some days ago I wanted to try out streetpass again to see which people I have met over the years but I can only use it again if I update my 3DS BUT there is a high chance if I do that my 3DS becomes unusable so ... can't use streetpass anymore :´( rip

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Awe man that sucks :( I plan on getting myself a modded 3DS in the future but stuff like that is the exact reason why I haven’t modded my childhood one, I’m too scared to risk anything happening to it. Maybe someday another 3ds will come your way & you can try out streetpass again🤞

by Kismet; ; Report


meeoxy's profile picture

I'm from the U.S. and I also don't get any street passes anyone... practically zero. However when I went to Japan in 2019, people were still out in public with their 3DS - as if it has just come out or something. I'm not sure if thats still the case or not 4 years later. Maybe someone else can provide some insight on this, maybe its just a U.S./European decline of street pass.

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I’ve heard of places here in the US where people still get them frequently and even have meetups, so it’s not completely dead yet. I just wish I lived closer bc I’d totally go to one lol

by Kismet; ; Report

Connor Wolstencroft

Connor Wolstencroft's profile picture

I could never figure out how street pass worked back then. It was one of those "technological anomalies" that was like, it was there, and you knew it did something, but you never fully understood how it worked. I kinda wish I'd known how to use it

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The best part about it is it still works! It’s a local feature that’s built in to the 3DS itself (if you have it turned on, there’s a little switch on the side of the console). No internet required, so Nintendo can’t take it away lol. There isn’t a ton to do with it, especially these days, but it’s still fun if you can find people to do it with.

by Kismet; ; Report


Option35's profile picture

I bring mine when I go traveling, or to a convention, or into the city! I rarely get street passes too :( it makes me sad.

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Makes me sad too, it’s my favorite feature of the console & it would be really fun to bring back. I’ve heard about streetpass meet ups but none of them were in my area :(

by Kismet; ; Report


Marshmallow_Fluff's profile picture

It is unfortunate that internet services are being removed in 2024 for the 3DS & Wii U; however, I do believe local internet should function. I am aware of teams attempting to remedy the situation with a third party service, though I shall miss exploring Dream Towns in New Leaf.

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I’m so mad about the internet services shutting down, even more than I was about the eshop closing bc I just see zero point in them ending it. Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t they say that it would stay for the “forseeable future”? And then a year later they pull the plug?
╭∩╮(-_-) I plan on getting myself a modded 3DS soon.

by Kismet; ; Report