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Category: Blogging

im such a normal person and i have a ton of friends

if my dad wakes me up at 10am again telling me that I have plans today that i have never heard of until now i'm going to rip my head off, make your own plans you pussy. drinking a seltzer rn kinda ass but that's ok. i used to have a big collection of cans that i thought was really cool but one time i got back from visiting my other dad and the whole thing was gone, dad if your seeing this i'm going to fill your corpse with lacroix cans and you cant stop me bc you'll be dead. i used to be friends with this guy named ollie who was super duper annoying and a piece of shit and i hated him but we had this big thing happen at the end of the school year and we don't talk anymore thank god, but i still have his wattpad account info so sometimes i just go and see if its still completly full of dreamnotfound fanfiction and it always is :| i read an entire 50something chapter long smut fic on his account and i'm waiting to see if he notices. don't tell him it was me tho. god i wanna dress scene but my ass is broke and i would def not have the motivation to put all that on in the morning..i mean maybe if i had it but i don't rlly like tight clothes, i could def work around sum baggy clothes and make that look good fo sho but i cant afford clothes bro. i spent like 100$ the other day with my friends and i hate myself. i only have 11$ left bro i'm crying. i mean christmas is soon so maybe i'll get some clothes and/or money who knows. normally i dont use ' but i put it on one word and it looked weird with just one so i just corrected all of them why did i do that why am i getting stressed out about apostrophes what the fuck is wrong with me. sry leaving now wait omg i can add a picture 

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