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Category: Games

Marvel's Spider-Man and the new Peter Parker model

Got white man jumpscared when "remaster" Peter Parker showed up in Spider-Man: Miles Morales. It feels criminal (it's not that serious, I know) to change a facial model so completely like that, especially since the model was based on an actor who seemingly got all their work completely erased. The stated reason was for "animation" reasons, but I can't imagine that's actually true. Obviously I don't make video games, so what do I know, but "it'll make the facial animations better" doesn't pass the smell test when the facial animations were already really good and you can tell someone involved in the game obviously wanted to copy aesthetics from other popular Spider-Man media (Miles Morales has several scenes trying to obviously copy aesthetics from Into The Spider-Verse).

Edit: I'm watching some Spider-Man 2 gameplay, and they seem to do a lot of high school flashbacks in the game, at least towards the start. I'd bet the real reason they went with a new face model was because they thought the new face looked better in big nerd glasses and the Peter Parker center part. Hell, there's weirdness with the facial animations in this game, so I don't think the facial model improved that stuff!

This is a repost from my Cohost account.

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