august's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

2023-11-17 (various subjects)

hallo, web 2.0

i saw my amma and afi (grandparents) for the first time in person in 15 years!!!!! and my uncle for the first time ever!!!!! it was fun and my afi gave me a pen that is a car (it's got wheels and everything).

i started writing this with things to say but i have since forgotten them. i know that part of it is that i am sad right now but not anymore because for some reason writing blog posts is super fun. i would do it more often if i had things to say. sigh..

i'm wanting to make my profile look nicer, i will probably plan something out and draw the images i need. i could make it so cool!!!! actually i will probably forget and then not feel like it. maybe i will make a little character to draw in the corner pointing at my page with a speach bubble that says "kenny is the best!! interact with them!!!!". hehehe.

in other news, my bus home from school never showed up!! crazy, i know. my mom (who's birthday it is today) drove my friend (who is playing a gig at a pub tomorrow) and i home.

in OTHER other news, youtube is really pushing that "no add blocker" business, huh??? i think that's kinda bonkers, like, get over it? you are a company on the INTERNET. people will do whatever they want. if you don't like it, log off (unless it affects the real world that is a differnet story). companies on the internet are pretty annoying to me. i like when the internet is nonsensical whatevers by whoever posts it, and less of worrying about the reputation of a business and such.

i keep thinking "im gonna do [this], i'm gonna do [that]." and then being all "oh no i have to go to bed so i can wake up ("wake up". i am a sleepy fella) for school!!" but then i remember.. it's the weekend!!!! no school for 2 days!!!!!! wooo!!!!! although i might go to bed anyways, as i said, i am a sleepy fella.

there are so many things i could take about but i don't have a whole lot to say. oh well. i have been interested in religion recently, which is a bit strange for me, since i typically have an incredibly scientific look on things and find comfort in understanding things in depth. however, i think that the idea of an afterlife where everything all good and people are happy is nice sometimes.

alright, i think that's that.
i will update again in the next 1000 years.

auf wiedersehen!!

0 Kudos


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