marsietis's profile picture

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Category: Games

(CLOSED) 2023 spacehey secret santa !!!!

 since christmas is right around the corner , in order to get into the festive spirit, i've decided to host a spacehey secret santa event !

sign up !

 what is secret santa

this is basically a gift exchanging event . you get assigned a random someone , and well , have to be santa (its in the name!?) , and you make a gift for them before the deadline . creativity has no limits , so feel free to make anything such as fanart , fanfics , poems , edits , etc . everyone is the receiver as well as the 'santa' , so no one is leaving empty handed ! everything is anonymous , so i ask you not to reveal your .. target ? you get the point

 how it works

in the google form below , you fill out all of the details . sign ups are until dec 2nd ! if you're late , maybe i'll find a way to squeeze you in , but please be on time . . . i sort out all of the users and assign you the person you will be making a gift for . before the deadline comes , you work on your present , and send it over to the person !


 since spacehey might have some difficulties in communication , please keep your messages on when the deadline hits in order for your santa to IM you . however , if you have any other social media , please provide it in your form to make it easier for contacting !

  please . . keep your gift and the receiver as a secret until the due date . don't spoil the fun and be patient .

  if you'd like to ask the giftee a question , please ask through me and i'll gladly contact them for you . for further questions , please don't be afraid to hit me up in my IM , discord ( flirtybastard ) or other social media i have linked on my profile !

 everyone has a different set of skills . please do not discourage anyone . this is a silly gifting exchange and should be kept like that . do not bring any hate or discourse into this.

  offensive work , proship or any similar topics are not allowed . this also applies to smut and NSFW content . please respect all of the stated boundaries that your giftee provides . 

  if you encounter any issues and are unable to submit your gift , please inform me before the submission date ends , preferably 1-2 weeks before the due date . sending in late is not forbidden , however i don't recommend it , please send in your gifts in time !


there's always a possibility of backing out or not finishing quick enough . i'm also including a 'backup' option in the google forms . it's up to you to decide if you're willing to work on a gift fast enough for someone . i will contact you if you're needed , but i'm sure the event will go as planned . its always nice to have some help ! !


november 17th - december 2nd : sign ups

december 2nd - december 3rd : sorting info & assigning santas

december 4th - december 24th : working on gifts

december 25th - december 26th : gift sending !

don't be afraid to message me for any concerns or questions , i'll be happy to help :3

47 Kudos


Displaying 7 of 7 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


marsietis's profile picture

HI . IF YOURE REVISITING THIS BLOG , PLEASEPLEASE LISTEN !!!!! turn on your instant messages or at least any of your social media private messagings , i cannot contact half of you T__T thank you .

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zombie.doll's profile picture


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hi ! im having trouble messaging you . . please turn on your IMs TT

by marsietis; ; Report

oakley o(^▽^)o

oakley o(^▽^)o's profile picture

joineddd ^_^

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saeji 's profile picture

yayayay!! joined :3

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iries_011's profile picture

I signed up!

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XOXOMARMAR's profile picture

I jus signed up, i got a lil confused before reading the last comment and though we would actually send ppl gifts lmao i think my form is still okay bc i put bill kaulitz down for the character :)

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lolol it’s okay ^^ ill check your form later , but I’m sure it’ll still fit

by marsietis; ; Report

thank youu!

by XOXOMARMAR; ; Report


wyll's profile picture

what would be some examples of gifts for the users? like would it be digital art, stamps, blinkies, graphics, games, that sort of stuff? i just wanna get a general understanding of it.
this sounds rlly cool though, i'll definitely sign up

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yeah , that’s basically it ! you can make almost anything digital as the gift :3

by marsietis; ; Report

okay, great! i'll make sure to sign up

by wyll; ; Report