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Cute Kawaii Hissy Fit Kaoani Currently listening to: 宇多田ヒカル - Automatic

Automatic 宇多田ヒカル


But first things first.....MY DAD SAID YES TO WHEN WE WERE YOUNG FEST!!! WOOOOO!!!! ^___^ LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO!!! EEEEEEKKK IM SO EXCITED TO GO!!! The bands I'm most excited to see are deffo My Chemical Romance and Alesana!!! Also Pierce the Veil LOLOL

Also yesterday I managed to completely bullshit my essay 3 hours before the deadline! YAY ME!!! ^__^

So to get to the exciting part.....:

So yesterday (Wednesday) I had a test, and I was free to leave once I finished. Seeing as I had like 30 minutes before my mom picked me up I decided to go with my friend, since he's always at the library at this hour. We don't usually meet on Wednesdays (or Mondays), which is why I take any chance I can get to see him those days!! He....he looked so good yesterday URGGGGDFD And honestly I really wanted to tell him but...I decided not to. Honestly...I can't even remember what we talked about that day @__@ whoops! I should start cutting him some slack for his bad memory...sometimes mine just a bad LOL!

WAIT NEVERMIND I JUST REMEMBERED----- We played his childhood DS game; Princess Debut LOL!! He told me some days ago that he had a 3DS and he finally brought it!! I didn't take my 3DS that day lololol which is why we ended up playing Princess Debut. It's honestly...now very good me thinks LOLOLOLOL It's a shovelware otome game, super cute artstyle tho! But as at otome game it's really not good. e_e

So today both of our classes ended early, so we got an extra hour to hang out!! YAY!! Today I did bring my 3DS so we played games together for a good hour!! And by games I mean one round of Mario Kart 7 and then Tetris...we literally just played Tetris for most of the hour LOLOL We only stopped bc I noticed how much time has passed and I needed to study for my test next class. At some point I just.....gave up LOLOL and started making conversation with him. I don't know how the conversation got to this point, but he asked "do you think I look better with or without glasses?" and then I looked at him and I said "I don't know I kinda like you with your glasses" (I actually have a huge thing for glasses but I was trying to be as normal as possible about it) and then he looked at me and said "Really???" like he didn't believe me LOLOLOLOL Then I went "What??? Is that like a weird preference???" and he said "Honestly yeah"

Then we kinda just started laughing, and then he just looked at me and said "I really like you". And I just...I was processing it...like did he meant that he really liked me as a friend....or as something more? Then he stated "Like romantically....I like you romantically" and that's when I went HUUUUUUHHHH???? He said "I thought this was established why are you so surprised?" AND WELL I MEAN YES BUT ALSO NO????? URGGGGG SO..........he actually asked me out on the third day of school....BUT STILL THAT'S VERY DIFFERENT!!! WE ONLY KNEW EACH OTHER FOR 3 DAYS!! Now we've been talking for like....1 month, maybe 2? WHICH IS STILL NOT REALLY LONG IF YOU REALLY THINK ABOUT IT!!!!

He said that he wasn't pressuring me into anything and that I didn't need to say yes to his confession. He said that he was 100% with just being friends. And he was being really genuine too like he wasn't just saying that to be nice. And then, in true Di fashion, I said "Maybe we should head to class hahahahaha" ...........I'M AN IDIOT I KNOW!!! So then we headed to class, and guess what!! Turns out that since my teacher messed up and didn't upload the study guide, the test was open notes, YAY ME!!! So I passed the test with flying colors hehehe >:3

So since I had a test I was able to leave class early after I finished, my friend also had a test and also left class early, so we got another extra hour to hang out. Instead of just playing Tetris again we opted for Mario Party The Top 100 (the game is ASS btw lol) which lead to me absolutely rambling about mario party. Because, fact about me; I REALLY like Mario Party!! And I know a lot about it....to an abnormal degree LOLOLOL Until my mom called me and told me she was already here to pick me up. Then I kinda apologized for rambling about Mario Party so much lol I know that it's not necessarily a normal topic to go super heavy into detail about. Then he said that I don't need to apologize, that he actually enjoyed my rambling and shouldn't be embarrassed to just ramble about things like that. Then as he walked to where my mom's car was parked he said "About the confession...I do want an answer. Again, I'm not forcing you to say yes but I want some sort of answer. You don't have to give me an answer right now tho" I told him "No yeah that's fair, you do deserve an answer."....and then I left without giving him an answer.

UGHHHH I KNOW I KNOW!!! I'M SO STUPID!!! But I.....I'm just not 100% of how I feel about him. Like is it really a crush?? Or am I confusing platonic and romantic feelings??? I JUST DON'T KNOW ARRGHHHH!!!! But I.....I want to give him an answer, he deserves at least that. I...I'll think about it over the weekend and hopefully come up with an answer for him, he deserves it. But then the thing is.....if I end up saying yes.....what then? Like do we date??? Are we immediately boyfriend and girlfriend??? I NEVER DATED A GUY BEFORE!! I DON'T KNOW HOW ANY OF THESE THINGS WORK!!! ARGHHH!!! All I know is that I LOVE hanging out with him!! I want to hang out with him so much more!!! 1 hour is never enough!! I want to be close to him!! I love sitting as close as humanly possible!! I ARRGHHHGGGHH!!!!

I...I think I should just stop worrying about this and just let myself feel things. Yeah. Next week I'll just, do whatever feels right at the moment. But still, I should7 think about what kind of answer I'm gonna give him.....I can't believe I'm basically living my romance arc right now...these kids of things really do come when you least expect them, huh.

......I just remembered I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning so I have to get up early...FUCK!!! I need to go to sleep T__T

– D ☆

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