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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

Why positive mindsets actually do help you in life - explained by science!

Hello once again! Here, the promised blog I talked about yesterday - vibrations and their impact in our life! I personally have strong beliefs in this kind of thing, so, if it isn't what you like and agree with, then of course you can leave now! But maybe giving this an opportunity can help you expand your view a little, even if you don’t agree in the end.

But something that has alway shocked me is the big number of people who do NOT believe in such things, even when it’s proven by science! This is the concept we know under the name of “resonance”. So here I am to explain a little. This will be even longer than yesterday’s entry! Sorry.

But first of all, what is a resonance? According to Resnick and Halliday on their “Physics” book (specifically the 3rd edition published in 1977), “There is a characteristic value of the driving frequency ω" at which the amplitude of oscillation is a maximum. This condition is called resonance and the value of ω" at which resonance occurs is called the resonant frequency.”. In short, what we know as resonance is nothing else than the simultaneous vibration of two different molecules produced by their equal frequencies. This is, for example, the reason why glass can be shattered by voice. Once you replicate the frequency that the glass vibrates with, it shatters. Here’s a video of vocal coach Jaime Vendera shattering glass! (that guy’s so unserious lmao) Vocal Coach Jaime Vendera Shatters Glass # 85 Radios, TV and even bluetooth and WiFi work due to this concept. There’s also a famous case of a bridge that fell down due to the frequency the wind was vibrating with was the same as the bridge! Also a video is anyone’s interested: Tacoma Bridge Collapse: The Wobbliest Bridge in the World? (1940) | British Pathé

So, here we have the basis of this. But, what does this mean? Well, things with same or similar vibrations naturally attract each other, the reason why they start vibrating together, at the same time. This causes the two frequencies to mix, which creates constructive waves and, as a consequence, amplifies the vibration (which is exactly the reason why the glass shatters with the voice, and the tacoma bridge collapsed!). Strings can also resonate, reason why, if you play the guitar, for example, you can play a random string, mute it, and then have another string “copying” that exact same frequency. This also explains why some sound sound good together, which came to the first ever tuning method created by the Pythagorean school (or maybe Pythagoras himself. I don’t know for sure, I never met him).

But let’s keep that first statement in mind: they naturally attract each other, since they are vibrating at the same frequency. And this applies to us humans too! Think about pregnant women: you probably have heard about them saying once they got pregnant, they saw way more pregnant women the whole time than they had ever seen before, and families with little children. Or, if you haven’t been pregnant and want an example closer to you, think about being in love: once you are in love, or if you are focused on finding it a lot, you’ll instantly see way more couples your age than ever, as well as people your age everywhere. This is because we are unconsciously thinking about those things the whole time. This causes or brain to catch those same, similar frequencies, and make us see and notice them easier than before,

Now, to the important part: how does this relate to success, happiness and even love?

If you are constantly on a positive mindset, then the vibrations you are producing (because let’s remember, we all produce vibrations the whole time, even objects vibrate, since we know molecules are always interacting with each other and therefore moving, even if in the slightest) will start resonating with the same kind of positive vibrations, which are by the way, medium-high vibrations.

Once you start resonating with this higher frequency, you’ll start noticing this same energy more and more, just like pregnant women do with families! And once you start sensing this energy the whole time, you start naturally attracting it to you, leading to meeting new people with the same kind of energy (that uplifts you, of course) and staying in situations in which this energy stays as a constant. Let’s remember that a higher frequency is produced by a faster movement of particles, and according to the first law of Newton, the inertia, a body in movement keeps it’s movement unless there’s another external force opposing to it, which creates what we know as interferences, destructive waves that collide with the others and makes them get smaller until they disappear.

If you are resonating with lower frequencies, however, then the ones you are attracting to you will be the same. If you are constantly thinking about the bad things of our world like hunger, delinquents, war and so on, then all you’ll be seeing day by day is this. And as a consequence of resonating with these energies, as I stated before, the wave will grow constructively and will increase these bad feelings (NOTE: I’m not saying you should be ignorant about these topics. What I mean is that you can’t focus on thinking it all is wrong). This is also one of the reasons why complimenting oneself is good: words have frequencies as well, depending on how we say and mean them.

So, to conclude, everything vibrates, and we resonate with the same frequencies we transmit. If we are constantly transmitting low frequencies, then those situations will keep on occurring and showing themselves more often in our lives. If you resonate with higher energies, you keep attracting more positive energy into your life.

To finish, a small encore: the danger of technology - why do we feel the need of getting close to nature when stressed?

The natural frequency of nature and our world and universe is 432 Hz, which is because of this known as the “universal frequency”. Therefore, our bodies resonate well with this frequency, and it has good effects on our bodies.

The modernisation and globalization of our world, however, has led to a change in the frequencies we normally stay with: this is the 440 Hz frequency. We tune instruments on this frequency, for example, which means we are constantly living with frequencies that aren’t related with our organism. This is one of the reasons why people tend to get stressed so often in the city: aside from the pressure we are constantly put in due to school, college, work and even our peers, mixed with this antinatural frequency we are constantly living with, we never get a rest.

That’s why people tend to unconsciously retreat from society to heal: trips to the mountains are really popular, although I personally like forests the most. Connecting with nature is the easiest way to tune our own frequencies down and resonate with nature again, which has a calming effect on us, similar to serotonin. It can help with thighs like anxiety and panic attacks, in which the heart begins beating faster, as it eases the cardiac rhythm. Connecting with nature helps you relax and find relief before going into hour high frequencies, fast-paced society.

So, that’s it for today’s entry! I had so much fun writing about this, none of my irl friends listen to me on this kind of topics, so writing it down feels amazing. I hope this long entry helped you expand your mind a little :)

And if not, oh well, at least now you know why some of us think like this.

I’m not sure when I’ll write again, but I’ll do it someday… and probably not on something so heavy to digest as this physics class lmao. I’ll see.



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noki's profile picture

so so so well written and a really good message to keep in mind <3 thank you for taking the time to write this!

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