Astral Espionage

Beside the sea, painted in blacks

Squats tan building by cliffs edge

Fluorescent lights shine through small cracks

Brackish winds assaulting the ledge

Chain link fencing surrounds the grounds

Moon's silver spotlight beaming

Cricket's songs are the only sounds

Besides water's deep breathing

Three men exit a hangar door

I spy those guys as I hide

They carry clay pots to the shore

And bring strange plants back inside

Slow closing gate; times running thin!

Silent strobe lights splashing red

It's the only path to get in

So I may just end up dead

No more than 50 yards later

My ears are splitting like logs

Alarms tripped, my foot the traitor

Distant barking foretells dogs

I double back the way I came

Time's flying like molasses

I admit, this trip, I'm to blame

I'm sprawled on dew strewn grasses

As death's hot breath circles my throat

A fearsome wolf - no, a hound?

With bloodied fang and coal black coat

Bodied lead dog to the ground

With the blood roaring in my ears

Were those lines of trees snarling?

Though overwhelming are my tears

I see a scene so startling

Through copse of wood from which I'd come

Shot a mass of maned bullets

They're wolves, anthropomorphic ones

Guard dogs reaped much like pullets

So I fled back into the night

More chaos began to sound

Before I woke, I'd one last sight

The amber eyes of black hound

1 Kudos


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