14/11/23 -No update, just school (and some drama)-

I've been pretty busy with school lately. 

I guess I could have written something here but I kinda didn't know what to write about (I don't even know HOW because SO. MUCH. Has happened in my life.

I have made so many friends in school. I used to only go there to study and go home, I was a social reject.. Then one day this girl from my math class (T) stopped me on the hallway and started talking to me, she had noticed my cool knitted hand warmers that my mom made me lol. 

They look kinda like this ⬇️

star handwarmers from Pinterest

(This photo is from Pinterest and my hand warmers are actually white with a green-ish star, and I think they are kinda cooler than the ones in the photo.)

So we became friends over shared interest for fashion? Style? and she introduced me to her friends. First I got closer to this other girl (N) who goes to our Spanish class but now I have made at least 5 other friends (well I'm not super close to everyone in the group but at least 3 new friends) besides them. I don't know if all of them even like me but I like them a lot and I like going to school with them. 

Also sometimes we all go to a workshop together after school and make cool stuff like ceramics and perler-beads. In my next blog I'll try to remember to show a picture of my cool cereal bowl that I made.

Also I got to know this boy from the group (MA) who is close to my age and has known my so called school-bff (T) and her brother a year before I did. We started getting closer because we take the subway together to the same direction after the workshop and now every time we leave, we basically just rant about our life the whole way to the Central Railway Station while he waits for my train there with me.

There is apparently some one-sided drama in the group: MA talks about T a LOT and has told me how she is his closest friend and he has never had any closer friends than her.. But MA feels like T doesn't see him as her closest friend because she is really social and outgoing, but I (personally) feel like maybe she just doesn't really form that kind of deep relationships with only some people.. Which apparently has hurt MA's feelings?

Idk to me this drama feels kinda stupid? T pays attention to all of her friends and even tho I kinda now realize me and her probably don't have very deep relationship either, I just can't see it as that big of a deal?? 

  Me pondering 

Talking about friendships and drama... ugghhh I've had some of my own stuff going on as well.. It's even more stupider and childish than the drama I just told you about..

I met this guy a while ago. We were getting closer but I guess he didn't vibe with me or feel the same way so he blocked me everywhere. We didn't know each other for a long time so it was really stupid for me to get attached and think we were best friends or something, I was a little sad about it at first but I got over it pretty quickly..

Well whatever that was the backstory:

When I was still sad, I decided to contact my very low maintenance best friend of 4 years, just to check if he would like to meet up someday so I could take my mind off of things. I'm used to him being very slow texter and leaves me on delivered for days sometimes (which is still super annoying btw people usually text you when they want to get in touch quickly...) but after I asked him, I waited a WEEK and still no answer? I decided to check our other messages and he hadn't opened any of my txts for a MONTH ANYWHERE. Which I kinda understood at first, he has school and hobbies, whatever. But he kept viewing my stories like normal?? when I was trying desperately to get in touch with him???... 

I basically texted him everywhere but when it didn't work I took a screenshot of our chats (that usually gets his attention + he knows I do it to get him to answer me) and he didn't even open our chats, so I went to ask his sister (mind you we are close enough to know each others families) and that's when he blocked me everywhere as well???? His sister wouldn't even give me any hints so I was just left super confused, she was kinda acting like we had some beef going on? Which was super annoying and not helpful at all. 

What is up with my friends blocking me? They don't even know each other??

It also seems that ex-friend of mines girlfriend keeps posting tiktoks of herself crying sooo? Could they have broken up?? Idk.

I don't know what I would have done without my friends from school tho. They helped me with getting over this and still ask me how I am feeling even when I keep telling them I got over this already, so shoutout to them.

Halloween is also over. I spent it at home with my sister, we tried to watch Nightmare before Christmas but we kinda got bored and just went to sleep early.

Christmas is getting closer as well! I haven't been this excited since I was 10. It's just that now I have my adult money to use on Christmas-decorations hehe.

me rn

I'll try to make my next update before Christmas but since basically no-one is reading these I probably won't remember!


3 Kudos


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