ENEM is over (uma mensagem)

I still feel so tired, and the exam was sunday (i'm writing this at tuesday). I can't believe I got through it, a lot of people doesn't. I can't describe how stressful it can be to people who don't know what it is, but I think a good example would be my teacher telling me one of his students got out of the exam in an ambulance, because she had an extremely heavy panic attack. I was able to mantain calm, but after 5 hours sitting and reading those 90 questions (10 hours and 180 questions if I combine the two days the exam took over), I still can't sleep properly because of the anxiety. I hope I pass this year, just so I don't have to go through that again.

I also wanted to write a little message for any brazilians on this site (and who also had to do the exam this year):

Não importa o que acontecer a partir de agora, o pior já passou. Eu acho extremamente injusto, uma prova que define seu futuro acadêmico, especialmente uma prova com essas questões do ENEM. Vai que quando você fez a prova, você não estava bem? Não é uma prova de conhecimento, e sim de resistência. 

Eu desejo sorte a todos. Acho que todos merecem sentir orgulho de ter passado por isso, especialmente aqueles com mais dificuldade. Um grande abraço.

1 Kudos


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