Championship Line

The Championship line represents quite a bit for me. It represents my love for wrestling, champions, theatrics, nostalgia and confidence. In the 90’s you could find me replicating the choke slam to friends on a makeshift ring of mattresses layed out in a living room. I often would mimic my favorite moves and taunts. At one point I was convinced we would build and design our own ring behind a friends home and start the first kids federation. 

One afternoon I invited anyone that would come over from the neighborhood while my mother was at work to have the first royal rumble in our yard. I took a nasty spear into our patchy yard landing on my hand wrong. I sprained my hand, which would teach me how to write with a sprain hand to cover up that I had 20 kids in a small yard and end our only bout with the kids' federation forever. 

What I’ve always enjoyed about wrestling was the show boating, character development and a good promo. I believe these reasons led me to be captivated to watch Mayweather, Mcgregor and anyone who could make you love them or love to hate them. This happens in all sports honestly, and it’s why I feel drawn to celebrate all champions, including you and your bearded loved ones. 

We asked ourselves what does a champion smell like? What does a championship smell like? What we came up with was more on the celebratory side as a championship is the success of a competition and this is the time to celebrate and show off with a musky cherry tobacco, leather, bourbon and black pepper. In all of our tests of this scent we have used in the beard and skin. It's a very nice combination. 

The championship line is here in time for you to celebrate your bearded loved ones or to feel like the champion you are. 

Every order with a Championship Mug, Beard oil or Beard balm gets a 4x4 post card of the Lazy Bear Championship Bear. We are also offering the 4x4 postcard alone for those who like the image as much as we do! 

Thank you for your support and taking the time to read about our Championship Line. We have so much more coming this year! Stay safe and healthy!

-Darryl & Lazy Bear Apparel Team

Championship line will run until April 30th. 

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