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Category: SpaceHey

spacehey communtiy weird ig (idk what to title this)

theres like drama everyday i swear,, its turning into twitter

obviously people who are weirdos and there is proof of that shoukd yk be banned,, blocked,, reported ect

but some people are just calling out ppl without proof,, it gets annoying at the least

and dangerous at the most bc lots of the ppl on here are minors like me and if someone gets falsely accused they could get doxxed,, and given death threats like thats dangerous 

after being here for like nealry 3 years i shouldnt be suprised but its super jarring,, just show the proof before you call someone out it fixes lots of the problems 

and dont spread it around more than it has to be just block or report the user

its feels so weird being a bystander i feel like i should be involved eveen thought i definitely do not want to,, ive been here probably for wayyy to long lol


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alisher's profile picture

guess it was a bad time to immediately join spacehey... i'm seeing odd shit already

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yeaa its weird sometimes,, its kinda like tiktok some good some not so good,, its actually fun here i promise just friend the right ppl and block others!!! i promise its actually good lmaoo

by arcadia; ; Report

i'll see. honestly pretty scared of the future of most humans on here. they all seem oddly chronically online. it'll affect their health when they grow older. but that's just my high empathy and paranoia speaking 🤷‍♂️

by alisher; ; Report

yeah....................... i joined a week ago and within the same day of me joining i heard about gore spam accounts??? and theres been so much drama like this rowan dude was defending zoos and pedos and apparently theres a huge community of com/proshippers on here... its alot

by pico n boyfriend; ; Report

yea i agree with the whole chronically online thing (im kinda guilty of this) most teena went theough lockdown,, people are more aware of their like mental health issues,, and more widespread ude of the internet so i think more people use the internet as escapism

by arcadia; ; Report

yea when i started i promise it wasnt liek this it was only more prevalent in the past 6 months ish i think more people know abt spachey now soo

by arcadia; ; Report

i see. nice to know information from other people. have a good day, evening, or night.

by alisher; ; Report