I LOVE DREAM !!! ! !

dream best youtuber better than mr breaststt

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⯎  sammy  or  meulin  ₊ 🧪

⯎  sammy  or  meulin  ₊  ...'s profile picture

most common bait on spacehey

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Andrew Ohyara

Andrew Ohyara's profile picture

"mr breast"

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Zayd's profile picture

this is clear bait, how is everybody falling for this

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henrique larry robin

henrique larry robin's profile picture

keep yourself safe

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by henrique larry robin; ; Report


supapollo75's profile picture

are you one of those stans?

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Jade :3

Jade :3 's profile picture

I'm dream if you really think about it

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BR00KEBR00T4L's profile picture


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Girlie you are on a website for weirdos what is even degenerate at this point

by Tranzi72; ; Report

have you not heard the allegations?? hes said to have groomed children.

by BR00KEBR00T4L; ; Report

I am unfortunately a very busy person, so I don't browse social media every single second of my life. But you can dm me the link or post it here and I'll make my own judgement. Please dont assume in the future that everyone is up to date on everything... its just that out of context you sounded like you had the problem with the post itself. I apologize on that part.

by Tranzi72; ; Report

the allegations have been out for awhile now.

by BR00KEBR00T4L; ; Report

Allegations WHERE? Sorry if it sounds like I am screaming, but I literally do not see anything; Just send me the links to blogs where any sort of a proof or a hint to it exists

by Tranzi72; ; Report

if you’re talking abt the minecraft youtuber dream, literally jsut look up the “dream allegations”. there’s many links all over. there’s not a blog link that i know of

by BR00KEBR00T4L; ; Report

Oh my fucking god. /very mad
This person was clearly satirical and I assumed that you meant the user who posted this blog in question and not dream
Then im still mad at you for calling this user a degen lmao

by Tranzi72; ; Report

i was talking abt dream the entire time—

by BR00KEBR00T4L; ; Report

Yeah and how'd i damn know that >:(

by Tranzi72; ; Report


by BR00KEBR00T4L; ; Report

"have you not heard the allegations?? hes said to have groomed children."
Like, how you'd determine if you talked about Dream or the user in this message

by Tranzi72; ; Report

i’m so confused?

by BR00KEBR00T4L; ; Report

Anyways you should not call random users degenerates for not keeping up with the controversies, even if this was a genuine blog post. its just immature and rude

by Tranzi72; ; Report

no. i’m calling dream a degenerate, you dumbass

by BR00KEBR00T4L; ; Report

Why are you calling me rude if you are the one who does not specify the context first? This is plain rude

by Tranzi72; ; Report

you were attacking me without even asking what i meant

by BR00KEBR00T4L; ; Report

1. Where did I attack you? I did note that some things you say are rude tho
2. I did not ask because I assumed that I understood you perfectly, you had to explain yourself later *because* you did not provide enough information on whom specifically you insulted in the first place. If someone writes "degenerate" as a comment in a praise post (doesn't mean if satirical or sincere), then anyone would assume that the "degen" in question is the user and be right 99.99% of the time, would they not?

by Tranzi72; ; Report

i’m sorry you took it that way? but please ask context first before getting upset

by BR00KEBR00T4L; ; Report

"i’m sorry you took it that way? " You aren't. Please work on being concrete and straightforward with what you say next time. Also don't call people insults <3

by Tranzi72; ; Report

you were saying some harsh things to me without knowing the context. you’re in the wrong too.

by BR00KEBR00T4L; ; Report

What harsh things did I say? Don't be vague, tell me straight away.

by Tranzi72; ; Report

yelling at me???

by BR00KEBR00T4L; ; Report

If you mean that all caps "where", i literally apologized for it in the exact same message.

by Tranzi72; ; Report

you argued with me for days now. i’m tired of talking abt this. i was trying to call the youtuber Dream a degenerate and you took it wrongly, and i apologize. i should’ve added more context myself and i realize that now.

by BR00KEBR00T4L; ; Report

Yeah, I understand. Didn't quite realize that this was a long exchange, days just blur together on my end ^^; Sorry about that

by Tranzi72; ; Report

i apologize for fighting and the harsh words i said. have a good day or night

by BR00KEBR00T4L; ; Report