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Category: Blogging

About me i guess?

Eh I’ve on here for about a year but I’ve been more active and messing around here more so I figured I do I a more in depth about me.

Name: mick (if you wanna learn my real name just scroll around my profile you’ll find it.)


Sign: I’m a Leo (triple Leo for all ya nerds out there lol) 

From: US but more specifically, Indiana

Race: Latina 

Languages I speak: English and Spanish but I can’t write in Spanish all to well but I read it fine.

Work: barista

Relationship: dating 

Sexuality and gender: bisexual and for the most part cis 

Pronouns: she/her they/them idc

If you looks though my blog you see it use it mostly as  a public dairy but I also plan to talk about the alt rock music scene again. I don’t gatekeep I share what I like. I would say I’m Alt but idk what group you’d put me in. I personally call it trash rat fashion which is grunge but cleaner. I also like all subcultures and mainstream media and music I don’t hate. I enjoy some top 100 songs every now and then. I’m also not that into fandom culture anymore but I know what’s up trust me. Ive been on tumblr since 2015 and still there. I really don’t have anyone on my DNI list outside the obvious. Just don’t be a prick. Kin list I guess would be Hori from Horimiya. That’s it honestly welp. 

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Sent To Destroy

Sent To Destroy's profile picture

I didn't know you were latina. I happen to be latino myself, specificaly cuban.

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yeah im Mexican. wooooo

by Sleepy_Mick; ; Report