Been a while since my last entry but I have a few more interesting dreams to talk about. I like posting about my dreams as I feel like when I do, even if I only DM friends about them, it helps me to dream even deeper.
Starting with the most recent, which was maybe my most scattered dream yet. I was standing in my dorm room with my roommate and his cat mittens, or mitts for short, there is nothing much interesting about this dorm aside from the rafter above my dresser being a portal into a beautiful building. This building had a zoo of only the grandest of creatures, this was where our portal was, meaning most of the time we had a tortoise staring us down in our dorm room. I had asked my father about this who said that he actually knew the building I was talking about, being "Alexandria's Grand Hall." I'm not quite sure what country it was in but me and my dad went to go visit this building, no investigation is able to be done as it is an active government building with offices and people. I travel back to this building at night time to investigate the portal and end up falling into a different portal. At this point my dream fragments into an entirely different dream, after crossing the portal I'm at a fair at night time and my girlfriend is just there. Rather than being freaked out about this I'm just like "chill" and explore the fair with her. I end up playing this surfing game that I'm really good at for some reason, for like half an hour and she watches me. After this I walk around and see some interesting sights such as a woman in goth attire comforting someone in full, game accurate, bonnie cosplay. I also overhear a few interesting usernames from people chattering such as "MapleshadePullsChasers". After this there is a booth with instruments set up allowing people to try them, and I notice they have turntables, and I've always wanted to try turn tables. I walk up to the booth and start scratching, but I absolutely SUCK. The last part of the dream I remember is the guy running the booth turning off the background beat, and everyone at and around the booth turning and staring at me, and then I woke up. Not quite sure what this dream means but it was pretty wacky if I'd say so myself.
Another interesting dream I've had since last time was split into two separate parts due to my insomnia and waking up in the middle of the night. In the first half I was at a really shitty tech convention, the kind with people selling bootleg hentai in the corner for a dollar. There was one interesting thing at this convention however, they had somehow convinced a group that had figured out a playable Nintendo Switch emulator, made for the Wii. After walking around this convention for a while and playing Mario Odyssey on the Wii, I must have woke up briefly because my dream flashes into an entirely different subject. In this dream I run a shitty "prank" channel and I am the most chaotic evil person on the entire platform. I remember watching a video of me on a Mario Kart themed bobsled ride, and in this video I light a tennis ball coated in lighter fluid on fire and throw it into another persons sled. The series was just called "causing chaos" and all of the videos were set to songs like Good Day.
The last dream I want to detail is incredibly silly. In this dream, me and my girlfriend were playing Natural Disaster Survival on ROBLOX. We meet a guy whos only speaking in Japanese and he starts talking to her, she eventually starts using google translate and he's actually a really cool guy and they are showing each other different avatars and explaining them. After a while of this he changes his avatar to a character that is in every Lego game in this dream, Mr. TNT. In my dream, Mr. TNT is the mascot of all Lego games and he does an intro sequence with an explosion at the opening of every game. And after speaking in only Japanese for the past 20 minutes, he walks up in this avatar, and in the most PERFECT TV voice you've ever heard in your life, he says "I'M MR. TNT!" And then I woke up.
V Depiction of Mr. TNT (Drawn by Linakko)
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