~✭ 0rgan3ater ✭~'s profile picture

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Category: Automotive

OE#1 | Car guys, my first car, and college

when i was a kid, my older sister had a blog and i always wanted one cuz i thought blogs were cool. ofc my parents didn’t want to give a 5 year old the ability to randomly post about their life, especially when they had already gotten in trouble for watching sonic paradox on the family computer. Now i’m 18 and grew up with unsupervised internet access anyways and turned into this picture.

TL;DR: i’m starting a sort of blog / life anecdotes. Will it be daily? Maybe? i’ll just update it whenever i remember.


  • Car guys, my first car, and college

During my high school years i used to be part of a friend group that consisted of people who weren’t supposed to like each other, think like Breakfast Club but less daddy issues and more repressed homosexuality. What i’m trying to say is that i got grouped with car guys and, as a failing male wanting to fit in, i started learning about cars. I started watching Grand Tour (rlly good show) and went Red Bull almost every F1 GP (Max V. my beloved.) All my friends had gotten cars but they were all manual/stick, meaning eventually i had to learn the most male brained of skills, How to Drive a Manual Car. 

Before that i needed a car, and i asking my dad for a car seemed like the most impossible of tasks at the time, yet HE was the one who told ME i should get a car. I told him i wanted a MX-5 Mazda Miata (the gayest of cars lol) and he was ok with it until i told him i wanted to drive manual and wanted one from the 90s. This started an uphill battle that would last a whole year, which included 2 shitty cars i had to test out, screaming battles, lots of “why don’t u get an accord?” But as i was walking back home one day, i opened the garage to get into the house, and screamed at the top of my lungs. My dad, behind my back, had bought me a MY 2008 MX-5 Mazda Miata. I was the happiest ever. it was manual too :DD

I love this car to this day (nicknamed it the Turbo Virgin) and learning manual was the best thing ever (took me 2 months), i even did street races with my friends since we live in a small suburb. no cops, curving roads, and ghost town at night. It was some of the best time in my life and the only good that ever came from wanting to fit in as a guy. my car give me freedom and bonds i never had until that point, and is one of the only parts of high school i miss lol.

i’m talking about it today cuz of the nightmare it has been recently. I started college 4 months ago and it has been rlly shitty so far. I rlly wanted to have it with me in college to drive around and not be stuck going to uni and to my apartment, i wanted the freedom. I got it shipped to my apartment and it was good for a week, then it died.

The car just wouldn’t turn on, it was time to put all those years of car knowledge to the test and i think i found the problem, a broken alternator. It turns on when i jump the battery, but it won’t stay on no matter what. the issue is… I discovered this almost a month ago lmao, still haven’t don’t anything about it due to school and depression. Now i’m back to square one, no freedom of where i go, having to take public transport, and walking 6 mins to the Chipotle i work at. Also driving 3 hours in a manual car -especially a miata- is the most exhausting thing ever, so taking the train to get around (while expensive) is really cool, makes me feel like i’m in a better country lol.

My car has sadly been collecting dust in a parking garage, people prob think i died or smt, and has my 1,000gecs cd trapped in it. Hopefully this week i’ll fix it, if not i won’t be able too until i come back from thanksgiving break.

If u read up to here, why? i’m serious why u read all of it im curious. If u wanna talk about lil car stories with me then go ahead, but i was basically forced to learn about them so i might not have the most info.

Bye~ 🗿

6 Kudos


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G-TUNE.'s profile picture

yooo boy nice ride, one of the best gens of the Roadster, i love how clean it looks.

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thx!!! i gotta wash it again tho… it got covered in concrete dust recently (@_@)

by ~✭ 0rgan3ater ✭~; ; Report

dang boy.

by G-TUNE.; ; Report

Lily Lethal

Lily Lethal's profile picture

noo very sad to hear abt ur mx-5 u_u good luck with the fix :)

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thx ^o^

by ~✭ 0rgan3ater ✭~; ; Report


Xyvraaq's profile picture

hope the fix goes in the right way 🤙

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if it doesn’t idk what i’ll do ‍💫 thx :D

by ~✭ 0rgan3ater ✭~; ; Report