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Category: Blogging

first blog entry! ^__^

Hi hi hiiiiiiii!!!

My first blog entry!! yippeeeeee!! ^__^

Not gonna lie... I almost forgot about this hehehehe 𖦹

I need to get the habit of writing daily!! Arghh, anyways! Since it's Sunday I thought that I would recap my whole week!! IT'S NOT THAT LONG I PROMIIIISEEE!! Nothing happened most days >_<

So Monday my class got cancelled....but good news is that I got to spend time with my friend!! I usually only get to see him on Tuesdays and Thursdays so seeing him on Monday really was nice!!

Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty uneventful, Thursday is where things got interesting!

Soo Thursday I have my English class, and apparently we were supposed to bring a copy of the story "The Cask of Amontillado" printed for the class. But I didn't know that!! And neither did most of the class apparently because only like 6 people brought a copy!! So seeing this our teacher decided to send us all out to the library to get the story printed. Thing is, you need to put money in your library card to print stuff, and I had no money on there!! And I wasn't the only one who didn't have a cent in their library card, LOL. But the teacher said that maybe if we tell them that's it's urgent they'll let us print for free (spoiler: they did not), so we all went to the library. 

So me and a group of kids go there and we see people from our class. One of them has the story printed out and the rest are making copies of it, because the copying machine takes physical cash and doesn't require money from the library card. We were saved!! ....Except for the fact that I forgot my wallet at home!! And I didn't have my coin purse either! T__T (Yes I'm always walking around with a coin purse FULL of change in my bag what of it) So...what do I do now? All I did was walk deeper into the library (as if that would have changed anything) and then I saw it; MY FRIEND SITTING THERE IN THE LIBRARY!!! MY SAVING GRACE!!! I asked him what he was doing at the library at this hour, since he's supposed to be in class, turns out he was skipping LOL! Well good thing he was because that meant that I could ask him for moneyyyyyy xDD He gave me the 1 dollar I needed and i got my copy, YAY! So then I went back to my classroom..... and then class ended early LOLOLOL. Yeah apparently since everyone took so long to get the copies there was no time left for the lesson, so the teacher let us go 40 mins earlier xDD

So since class is over I go to see my friend, and since he just so happens to be skipping class today that means that we can spend more time together! YAY! ^__^ AND WE SURE DID SPENT TIME TOGETHER!

So we head to the back area of the cafe (aka out usual spot) and he gets us a cheesecake (aka out usual dessert that we share). And our conversation is going pretty normal (well, as normal as him and I can be xD) and then he tells me that he found an anime keychain on the floor, so we keep it LOL! He decided that I should be the one who keeps it, and so he tries to put with the other charms in my phone, but fails. He claims that it's because his fingers are too big and said that I should do it since my fingers are smaller.

So, fact about me: I have fat fucking hands LOL. And they're really small too...I have literal baby hands. And every time hands are brought up in a conversation I always feel the need to state that I in fact do have baby hands. So I said this and my friend said "No you don't" and then........WE COMPARED HAND SIZES!!! EEEEEEEKKKK!!!!! 0///0 and then he said "Oh you actually DO have baby hands!" LOL then conversation shifted around our own hands, we never held held hands....but we did grab each others hands a lot 0///0

But then the clock hit 1:00 and was time to head to class -_- We had spent a little more time than we usually do together, but still....to me it never feels like enough! So I always walk him to class just to spend a little bit more time with him. While we're on our way to his classroom we saw that they were giving out free food, and my friend goes "Oh yeah I forgot that they were doing this! My class is starting at 1:20 because of this!" SCOOOOREEEEE!!! MORE TIME TO HANG OUT!!! I mean my class already started, but I've been late for class before, it's fineeee! LOLOL

So he's finished eating and then we're talking and talking, and we realize that we're really late to class at this point. So...we're thinking....what if we just...skipped class..?? EEEEEEEKKKK!!! >_< Ok I have to confess that the idea of "hehehe what if we skipped class to keep talking~" has always been a scenario in my mind. BUT NOW THAT THE IDEA IS ON THE TABLE...IT MADE ME SUPER NERVOUS!!! Believe it or not I'm a goodie two-shoes, so I've never skipped class before!! But then again, this isn't high school anymore; no one would care if i wasn't in class and my parents would not get any sort of attendance notification. I would be skipping my government class, and I took AP Gov back in high school so I should be fine! Plus we never do anything in that class anyway! I was still debating if we should skip or not, but then a lady starts cleaning up the table in which we were sitting, so we took that as a sign that it was time to leave!

As we headed out my friend said "Whatever you wanna do I'll follow you". So we start walking and I head the opposite direction of his classroom. "Are we going to your class or are we skipping?" he asked. And in the heat of the moment I say "FUCK IT!!!" AND WE SKIPPED CLASS!! I know skipping class might not seem like a big deal to a lot of people, but it was a big deal to me!! Still, the idea that we're skipping class to spend time with each other is so.....EEEEKKKKKKK!!!! >///< The he goes "Woo! Your first time skipping class, what do you wanna do?" So we started looking at our options and we decided to do the most normal thing....to go outside and walk in the rain!! To be fair it was reallyyy light rain but it was still raining. I've never really liked rain, but I really enjoyed walking and talking on the rain with him! It was a cute moment! hehe~ ^__^

After walking around our campus (we're in a community collage so it's small lol) we end up back at out usual spot in the cafe and sit down and start talking. Classes usually last about 2 hours, so we had a lot of free time! At some point we kinda had nothing to talk about, so i whipped out my Nintendo 3DS!! That thing is my baby!!! It's a personality trait at this point LOL, I always bring it with my EVERYWHERE!! We were looking at the games I have to see what we should play, then he sees that I have Tetris and asks "Do you like Tetris?" and I go "Dude I fucking love Tetris" Apparently he actually thought I was really good at the game! I mean personally I think that I'm just alright, but I LOVE that I actually managed to impress him with Tetris LOLOL.

So we continued talking while I was playing and he was watching me play. The idea was that I played first and then he did, but we figured that me playing + him watching worked better because if I talked it would distract him hehehe. So we kept talking until the conversation somehow turned serious... I know that in retrospective it sounds kinda silly that we had a serious conversation while I was playing Tetris of all things. But I...I really enjoyed that conversation. I talked about some things that I never really told anyone before, it felt good to finally let those things out of my chest. We talked until the clock hit 3:00 and it was time for me to be picked up (yes I still can't drive yet shut up). While we were waiting for my mom to come pick me up he said "We just had a serious conversation...Wooo friendship!!" and we fist bumped xD

..............So, maybe you're able to tell that I might have a tiny crush on my friend......WHOOPS!! I really don't know what to do about it....All I know is that I really wanna spend time with him!! I wanna hang out with him like this every day....We usually only get 1 hour to talk and then we head to class and to me it never feels like it's enough. Sometimes I do wonder if he feels the same way...

Anyways, that was my Thursday, it really was a day!

My weekend was pretty uneventful LOL However, something of note; my sister has been talking to this guy for a couple weeks now and today she told me that they both finally admitted that they want to be more than friends. This guy lives in a another city so they're going to finally officially meet in December for their first date. ....I just can't believe that my younger sister is going to get a boyfriend before I do! T_T It's kinda pathetic when you really think about it....

Wow, that ended up being reallyyyyy longer than expected! WHOOPS! This was supposed to be quick but it's now 12:30 AM! EEEEEKKK!! I was gonna do my homework super late but never mind! Hopefully my History test isn't tomorrow, because I can't remeber what date it was supposed to be, EEEEK!!

– D ☆

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