For legal reasons, we must disclose this is a ROLEPLAY ACCOUNT, and does not accurately represent the statuses of the real life people depicted in the imagery shown on this account, and should NOT be used as an accurate depiction of the current statuses of the following individuals

  • Patrick Stump
  • Pete Wentz
  • Joe Trohman
  • Andy Hurley
  • Brendon Urie
  • Ryan Ross
  • Dallon Weekes
  • Travis McCoy
  • William Beckett
  • Gabe Saporta
  • any other real life individuals who will be referenced, mentioned, or depicted in this account

All of these people are alive, not in any debauchery scenes, and unharmed as far as we know.

For appropriateness, if you want access to any future blog posts furthering the story and narrative we are laying out, you must friend this account, as all lore blogs will be marked as Friends Only due to mentioning of Not Safe For Work topics including sex, drugs, violence, etc.

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