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Category: Music

Guitar advice plz?

I’m learning guitar and when I strum I always get this weird buzzing sound? Do I have to fix my hand position or press my fingers tighter on the fret? I don’t know. Any advice would be great. 

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Val's profile picture

Yo I was having a similar problem for a while! I've been learning it too. Sounds like you're dealing with fret buzz. There's many causes for this but it's likely in the way you're playing as it's a very common beginner issue. Make sure that your fingers are close to the frets, and that your fingers aren't sliding while you play! Also make sure you're strumming at a 90 degree angle, otherwise your strings will bump into the frets, which will cause a buzzing sound! Wishing you luck and I hope this helped :)

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Dylan<33's profile picture

I had this problem a lot when I started (and still do sometimes whoops) but it's usually because you're not pressing down hard enough OR you're pressing on the fret OR you're pressing too far away from the fret (it's kind of weird but you have to get as close as you can to it without actually touching it)

hope this helps!!

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Oh? Yeah I see what you mean.

by Sleepy_Mick; ; Report


Sleepy_Mick's profile picture

I forgot to say that it’s acoustic and yes it’s tuned properly.

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june's profile picture

If you’re on an electric guitar, then it’s probably your amplifier. I think it’s a grounding issue or something? Mine does the same thing (I have yet to do anything about it) but I understand it’s an easy fix. Try a different outlet in the room, otherwise look up some videos because there’s a lot of different solutions.

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It’s acoustic and it’s tuned properly

by Sleepy_Mick; ; Report


kei-tastrophe's profile picture

it might be because your not pressing down hard enough?? it’s not necessary to press super hard though so i’m not sure it also might be something with the amp so i might mess with that if i were u :)))

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