If one thing that remains constant throughout the test of time across all people it’s music. Music was a key part in Xion’s upbringing, along with the adjacent raving messages of just having a good time for a few hours while life fell apart through recessions and unsavory rulings. Xion found community of it's own one day, carrying on that symbolic totem it's parents once had and wanted to do whatever it could to keep it. So, with the help of some friends it took over it’s local scene’s rave days and kept it thriving over the years via ‘old technology’; e-mails, flyer bombing with password protected webpages and vetting procedures, word of mouth above all else. The address was never given, because all the places chosen are wiped from the maps or require long treks through defunct parts of the city or what was abandoned underneath. They would be released day of via Xion painstakingly going through the list and providing coordinates. It was safer this way, and those that were adept enough to find the spots were meant to be there.
It throws these parties as a nostalgic time trip as well as provide people an off the radar place from the suffocating grasp of Alchemax’s drive to create a hive mind via addiction and dependency with Rapture. This led to it losing various important figures in it’s life to addiction, one of them being a long term partner of Xion's named Riley. After going through that loss of self and overall life when they could no loner afford Rapture, Xion did everything it could to mitigate it’s presence in it’s life.
During one of their scouting events for a renegade, it finds an abandoned tunnel with what he only assumed would be left over waste from another Alchemax dump. Usually that isn’t a problem, it will spend at least a week or so cleaning the area and restoring it to a point of safety thanks to the very technology that was created to frown upon these places. Xion walks through several spider webs during the cleanup process and ends up being bitten by a radioactive spider. Thankfully it didn’t become dosed with Rapture, but it soon became curious about the substance itself. While it didn’t want to be dependent, it was wondering if there would be a way to collect enough byproduct in order to take it to an underground lab facility in the hopes of creating a detox variant against it. Coupled with it's knowledge of hacking, Xion's sole mission now is to intercept shipments of Rapture for experimentation ran by his friend Ezrith and lab assistant Baye. The raves truly now act like a decoy, Ezrith having been successful after two years of trial and error and several blood donors during renegades. Xion is now tasked as the collector of the group, being brave enough to put it's neck on the line to steal that horrible green substance.
For now, Xion is seen as a beacon for harm reduction in it’s city, collecting those that are losing themselves to addiction and taking them to a safe haven of community and those that have recovered from their addictions. For now, Alchemax can’t get a hold on it from creating a small dip in Rapture purchases, and due to the secrecy of these events going untracked on technology there is a disconnect for now in discovering Xion’s whereabouts. It won’t stay this way forever however, and with each mission Xion grows closer to being discovered. It's now on a mission to steal that formula via hacking once and for all, or come into contact with a geneticist who would be willing to be a martyr for the very community they are destroying from the inside out for a measly paycheck.
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