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Category: Blogging

(not so) daily entry... 11/10/23

        School has been so boring today, its Friday so a lot of my classes are super hella easy. Like in English we had a test, which I mean Does suck but it wasnt that bad and as a bonus once i finished it we just got to hang out till the class ended. Same happened in Math and Biology (im literally typing this blog in bio after finishing my test-). then again taking a test at 8 in the morning sucks but it wasnt that bad, I hate having english first hour. Though, then again i do go to robotics after so thats fun! but today me and my friend S (keeping him anonomys) fought in robotics so I dont think it was all that fun today.    

    I hope the rest of the day is easy today, i only have 2 more class hours before I get to go home, I cant wait for the weekend, im not doing anything exciting im just excited to sleep. Maybe play a little bit of minecraft with my friends, maybe i can even see if they can come over! that'd be nice..

 anyways,Bio is gonna end soon so I rlly need to wrap this up- so, today has been a boring slow day and hopefully tommororw will be more fun, we'll see. bye bye for now!! (>v@)/

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