Education is azz asf

am i only one who thinks that we study way too much? think about it, we spend like half our lifes studying and why? dont get me wrong school and education is very important, i myself am a good student have good grades and honstly find my school work very easy. But i still belive we spend way too much time studying useless shit. As i said i find my school work easy but useless, i think we should read more tbh, or like learn about outside world like taxes, jobs ect. Im in swden so ofc im in a swedish school and tbh compareed to other countrys schools ours arent that bad, we even learn about outside real world sometimes but my main issue with swedish schools is that for most part we study common snese stuff that ofc no one cares for at all. often feeling as if im in same grade as bunch of idiots beacuse for some reason even considering that school work is easy many still manage to fail. I dont think schools should be strict no, ive been in russian school its not a fun thing. I just think maybe we dont need whole 7-8h of day just to learn stuff no one cares for. Why cant schools focus on stuff thats actually important? But honeslty swedish schools are pretty good if we compare them to other schools like American schools, I think their education teaches nothing, the teast where all you need to do is guess dont sound vary good. I want to make it clear that i DO NOT want to make education easier it dosent lead to anything good, but if we get to learn important stuff and maybe spend less time at school that would be good. Yk math is important but i think we study stuff that we mostly wont ever really use, dont get me wrong most stuff in math is important but sometimes it feels as if wee focus too much on useless math shi instead of learning about world. I find it weird that in most countrys they refure to talk about politics in school, i think its important to talk about htis kind of stuff

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