Hey everyone! My name is Analyssa. I am a Virgo living in Southern California, Long Beach to be exact. I was born and raised in So Cal and I am here living my dream. Running my own businesses (Talent Management/Photoshoot Production), living in my dream home, and happily in love with the man of my dreams. I love shopping, reading, drinking coffee, being cozy, discovering new places to eat and I have a slight obsession with day planners and organizing pretty much anything.
I run a few online stores as well, if you love to shop please check out my shops at:
Here is what I would love to know about you.
1. What is your name and age?
2. Where do you live?
3. What do you do for a living?
4. Where is your favorite place(s) to shop?
p.s. if you also live in Southern California, love browsing book stores, drinking coffee, going to thrift stores and/or talking business lets please link up!! xx
feel free to connect with me on Instagram @analyssabenedict
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this blog post is such a great idea for connecting with new spacehey friends - you're a radiant genius!
1. What is your name and age?
i'm marina, i'm 28
2. Where do you live?
toronto, canada
3. What do you do for a living?
graphic designer specializing in branding and a passion for print & packaging design. i'm also an illustrator!
4. Where is your favorite place(s) to shop?
currently i'm enjoying mango quite a lot, but generally i shop at department or vintage stores! trying to find and invest in long-lasting pieces instead of only shopping trendy fast fashion (though i do that as well from time to time, cause who can say no to low prices for cute clothes!)
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hey! thanks for adding me!
1. What is your name and age?
my name is nirvana and im a minor >:)
2. Where do you live?
i live in qld australia
3. What do you do for a living?
i work at kfc and as babysitting!
4. Where is your favorite place(s) to shop?
i like to shop anywhere! i hope you have a great day
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♥ Luna ♥
1. What is your name and age?
Joel, 29
2. Where do you live?
Michigan (:
3. What do you do for a living?
Janitor, Grounds keeper, mycologist and now assistant organ tuner
4. Where is your favorite place(s) to shop?
Goodwill, salvation army, volunteers of america.
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nice to meet you!! imgur seems to be the best image tether around.
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Thank you so much! I am going to check that out right now, I appreciate you.
by ANALYSSA.; ; Report
by Charlie; ; Report