bonbonribbon's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

꒰🎀꒱ byf n dni . . . ♡

bonbon ' s handbook . . . ♡

. . . before you follow 🩰

  • selfhood + synpath + fictive as idia shroud , bonbonribbon and rapunzel so please expect sudden changes in the way i act / speak
  • non - sharing yumejoshi / selfshipper when it comes to idia shroud 
  • OK if you platonically like idia shroud , but i will still be selective
  • i mostly talk about twisted wonderland and my selfship , nikolai grimes x idia shroud / nikolaide
  • i have a difficult time trying to understand words often due to english being my second language
  • please use only my neopronouns ( asph / bun / bonbon ) . if you don ' t know how , just try learning and get used to it .
  • i have bpd , audhd , severe depression , and ocd . please do not argue with me about " self - diagnosis " and such . just block me if it bothers you that much .

. . . do not interact / befriend 🩰

  • below 14 and above 25
  • you use they / them whenever referring to me
  • you think you ' re me ( bonbonribbon ) / love her more than me
  • basic criteria ( proshippers , nsfw , islamophobes , homophobes , you get the gist )
  • you ' re " neutral " on proshipping
  • you support israel or believe that palestine isn ' t real / is the one in the wrong
  • reality check - ing me
  • you don ' t see anything wrong with aging up minors just to date them
  • you think fiction never affects reality ( it does . just not all ; ex, cats can ' t drink milk but we think they can just because the cartoons say so )
  • i ' d prefer if you don ' t befriend me if you ' re close friends with any idia likers

please make sure you read these thoroughly before sending a friend req . thank you . 

♡ signed by . . . bonbonribbon

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