I usually do this on just my Tumblr but i wanted to post my thoughts here for Spiral: from the book of Saw
- First of all it did NOT feel like a Saw movie. too much swearing, the lighting, the plot, no billy the puppet. small things that make a difference
- I did like how there was an opening trap, really missed that from Saw 8
- The first trap was somewhat good. I'd say that
- The second trap would be SO EASY to beat like huh? how is it a hard trap???
- The third trap made me wonder how the fuck was it heated in 13 minutes
- the fourth trap was also bad
- the fifth trap was. fine i guess
- I liked the pigs and how they were used. In the first movies its because when John Kramer's son was meant to be born but this time it makes more sense with killing cops and stuff
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