Tighe_lol's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

how do i make my profile look not boring

too young for myspace so idk how any of this shit works

i only figured out the music bc it was the first thing in the blog tab but idk how to actually search it for what i want 

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Betty's profile picture

Click home button.
Click layouts.
Scroll through the layouts that are premade.
Copy the code they provide.
Paste it in your about section.
Good luck!
Also, don't worry. Many people are struggling to figure it out. It's the beauty of it all. Enjoy the process like all of us old farts had to do once before. :)

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Charlie's profile picture

Go to the "Layouts" button at the top of the screen, find a layout that you like, and copy the code into the "About Me" blurb.

Right above that code you can type regularly for the actual blurb about yourself.

Learning to code, even in small amounts, is a big part of the culture on this website and its predecessors. It's not necessary, but it can allow you to even further personalize your page.

Have fun, good luck!!

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how would i make my own tho if i didnt like anything i saw?

by Tighe_lol; ; Report

Learn to code, then, i guess!! the HTML group has a bunch of really great resources for learning to code Spacehey

by Charlie; ; Report

i will try my best then


by Tighe_lol; ; Report

good luck! o7

by Charlie; ; Report