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Category: Games

New Splatfest theme sucks

I am for this blog ignoring the fact that they are bringing back Regional fests.

I am upset with the fest the rest of us got. What is your go to way to greet peopleĀ 

Picture of the Splatfest Teams from the Splatoon North America page on Twitter

but like does anyone hug people as a greeting? I would scream if someone hugged me randomly, for two reasons

1 Stranger Danger

2 Sir or madam you are far too close to my earbuds. I hope you like KoRn.

and I just don't like physical contact in general so like I don't feel included in the group of people for this fest. I feel left out....I liked the fests when they were silly little things, like Splatoween or the flavor fests. I don't know if I want to participate here.

Sidenote: I don't like people touching me because I am autistic, and one of my special interests is KoRn that's where that comment came from.

I don't think I'm alone in not knowing what team to pick because I just don't like physical contact for reasons stated above, but I know other people don't like physical contact for a ton of other reasons. I'm not angry because I understand that this game is aimed at a younger audience and not adults like me. I just wish the fests didn't get so uberspecific.

0 Kudos


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dave striSHUT UP RGYAHNHR...'s profile picture

for me its the exact opposite! as an autistic person, im extremely affectionate and will hug my friends the moment i see them (if theyre ok with it :3) just thought that was kinda interesting! but i agree this splatfest theme is kinda boring and some people dont really do any of these thingz yk?

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Yeah I getcha. And I saw the colors too and I'm not the biggest fan of them in game either. I just personally am not the biggest fan of touch. I think Ikkan wrote this but yeah! It is interesting!

by Collective System; ; Report

true. the handshake ink color is so damn ugly...

by dave striSHUT UP RGYAHNHRBSBHR; ; Report

wait, sorry, im dumb. i meant the fistbump color, lmao.

by dave striSHUT UP RGYAHNHRBSBHR; ; Report

seeing it next to the Hug color was pretty gross looking too.

by Collective System; ; Report

now that i think of it, you're right <\3

by dave striSHUT UP RGYAHNHRBSBHR; ; Report

yeah. I don't think I saw it next to Handshake's color so idk what th

by Collective System; ; Report

no clue why they didn't go for yellow with the fistbump ink color. iirc, the three colors would have still complemented eachother. :/

by dave striSHUT UP RGYAHNHRBSBHR; ; Report

yeah. I don't think I saw it next to Handshake's color so idk what that looks like.

by Collective System; ; Report

it looks slightly better, but i still honestly think the color is atrocious..

by dave striSHUT UP RGYAHNHRBSBHR; ; Report

I wish they would use some other colors for fests though instead of somewhere there always being a yellow or green.

by Collective System; ; Report