Finding clothes as a fat trans guy

If ya'll get in these comments with any fatphobic or transphobic bullshit, go rot somewhere. 

Anyway, trying to find clothes as a fat (and trans) guy sucks ass. I do most of my shopping online as I can only find one or two stores in my city that makes Big & Tall clothes, and they're always extremely expensive. Even finding clothes online is a hassle since i've not had top surgery yet, so I have to keep in mind how men's shirts will fit and look while i've still got a chest. You can absolutely forget about finding big men's pants online. Thrifting is not much help either since sizes don't often go past 2XL and if they do, they're often bought first by smaller people for the purpose of tailoring them to their preferred size. 

It doesn't help either that the few sites out there that have self-proclaimed "extended sizes" since those sizes usually go no larger than a 3XL if you're lucky. Most other plus size collections are made and marketed for women. I'm working on learning to sew so I can tailor my own stuff but that's a skill that takes time and practice and is more of a long term skill for future results.  

I'm not sure if I really had a point for this blog, other than to scream into the void about how frustrating it all is. When most of the people around you irl are smaller than you, their suggestions and options get old fairly quick. They mean well and I appreciate them, but it's almost always things that I've heard and/or tried before. 

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