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Category: Romance and Relationships

my life currently

i met this guy a couple months ago , we met up and it was great. we laughed and exchanged life stories. we connected on a different level. i let him meet my parents , they liked him. my parents liking my other person is a big deal to me. we went to events together and ate out with them. everything was good until a couple weeks ago. he was driving my car and someone hit it ( its getting fixed) he was beatingΒ  himself up for that. my parents were mad about the car so he also has to make it up to them. it was a lot of pressure on him i feel like. he was thinking a lot. now he started this other job and met someone . he has been chilling at the dude house for a while now and i be worried about him. his communication lessened since being over there. he would text me but not as much as we used to. i just care and be worried about him. i do have a habit of overthinking every possible solution. ive thought so many things since the communication became less ... thought he was cheating, thought he blocked me at one point, thought he wasnt thinking about me, thought he was going through something , and thought the dude house he be at was really a female and he lied to me. he has never lied to me but idk people could start.Β 

i just dont know what to do at this point .... should i just give him space? should i stop communication? should i stop caring and worrying? should i move on? i honestly do like him and he is a good guy. im just stuck in my thoughts and i cant really talk to him. its only me and my over thinking thoughts. i cant tell my friends because when it comes to relationships they should not be giving advice. they are literally the worst. one was still fucking on the ex while talking to a whole new guy and the other is stuck in a toxic relationship . i cant get advice from them and will not listen if they do give me advice.Β 

2 Kudos


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π»π’œπΌπΏπΈπ’΄ 𝒒𝐿π’ͺπ’ͺ𝑀𝐼𝐸

π»π’œπΌπΏπΈπ’΄ 𝒒𝐿π’ͺπ’ͺ𝑀𝐼𝐸's profile picture

How long has the distance been? Have you tried calling him on the phone to talk?

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the distance has been going on for a couple weeks.... ive tried calling on multiple occasions but he doesnt answer the phone... idk what to do anymore fr

by LifelessRomantic; ; Report

ugh that really sucks. If you can't reach them and nothing seems to be getting better in the next couple weeks I'd break up :(( you deserve better than someone who is emotionally unavailable️

by π»π’œπΌπΏπΈπ’΄ 𝒒𝐿π’ͺπ’ͺ𝑀𝐼𝐸; ; Report

you are so right!! ill see in the upcoming weeks ... thank you !! <3

by LifelessRomantic; ; Report