*in creepy bridge troll voice*
ThE sToRy StArTs WhEn I wAs BuT a PrEtTy YoUnG gEn-Z tRaUmAtIzEd By CoViD-19's ReAlItY....
When I first got Spotify, it was the start of the pandemic. I had nothing but complete, uninterrupted access to the internet and a Spotify account my dad paid for. Now at first, I just listened to the first thing that came to my mind and the only song I could think of off the top of my head.
"All Star" by Smash Mouth.
Okay, to younger me, that song fucking slapped. I would listen to it on repeat all day. I'm not exaggerating. My parents were so happy when they realized I didn't have a pair of earbuds and because of that I blasted it on full volume on my set of speakers my dad got me.
Then, I got really into Scratch. Y'all know what I'm talking about, right? That coding website where people made projects and shared them and could talk to people? See, I went on Scratch because it was the only "social media" I could think to use (if anyone wants to hear about my Scratch phase in all of it's glory ask me to write a blog post about it it's so baddddd). And while I made my shitty little projects to post and hopefully get even the smallest praise for, I wanted something to listen to. You know what I searched for? WORDLESS ELECTRONIC RAVE MUSIC. I WANTED MY CODING TO BE FUCKIN LIT!!!!
So while I cranked out little OC animatic remixes which were pure crap, I would could feel the UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ in my fucking insides.
After that, I went back to Smash Mouth and that whole kind of genre. I was introduced to Fall Out Boy, The All-American Rejects, Bowling for Soup, Jimmy Eat World, Green Day and that whole genre. I would make these playlists that were like 24 hours long with all of these punk alt bands and stuff. There were a few pop songs, but for the most part it was filled with that stuff. I didn't get into the band fandoms, because I still cared more about Scratch than anything else, but I really liked the songs.
One day, I was singing this song which was on my super long playlist while I was walking with my friend. YOU KNOW WHAT THIS ASSHOLE TOLD MY ANXIOUS, PEOPLE-PLEASER BRAIN??????
"Ew, those songs are so old. Like, that one's from 2009."
From then on, I tried to be as mainstream as possible solely because of that single comment. Every time I listened to a song I would check when it was released, and if it was released any time before 2020 I wouldn't listen to it. This led to me down the path of listening to really bad pop music, and after the obsessive year-checking for everything I listened to stopped, I got stuck into the dreaded... AVA MAX PHASEEEEE!!! DUN DUN DUNNNN!
It was horrible. I would only listen to like three songs of hers on repeat and this became the only thing I blasted on my speaker system in my room. My parents were getting tired of Dua Lipa and Ariana Grande, though.
Okay, this isn't done but whoever reads this probably doesn't want to read as much as I was going to write all at once, so I'll probably make a part two for this at some other point in time.
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those were like artists i listened to a lot when i first started getting into music
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realsies... i regret everything
by m4yday-m4yday; ; Report
you should make a blog post abt your scratcg phase
also can i copy this idea like i wanna write a blog post abt my music phases and i will credit if youd like
by STARZNDSCARZz; ; Report
yeah go ahead
by m4yday-m4yday; ; Report