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Category: Religion and Philosophy

What have I learnt from philosophy during this year

Hello and welcome to my new blog post

Before I begin with philosophy things I'll need you to read this first

Please consider that English is my second language and that may or may not spell or translate something right, so if you spot a grammar/spelling mistake, please point it out so I can edit it later

Also goes the same for the philosophy facts, if I've wrote something that isn't true, don't hesitate to correct me

Thank you, now let's get on philosophy

Characteristics of philosophical dialogue

Consideration without any interest

"What is familiar and well known as such is not really known for the very reason that it is familiar and well known."

Open problems - problems that have not yet been solved

Argumentation - determining the truth of a statement

Argumentation is not necessary to be present.

Point of view

Term from 19th century

The functionality of the point of view

Understanding of the world -> interpretation and meaning of the world -> values and ideals

Due to different views on the world, problems arise when defining philosophy:

  1. Because of different types of philosophy
  2. Due to the variability of the term over time
  3. Due to the inability of the author to remain neutral

Philosophical questions

Characteristics of philosophical questions

  1. Open questions

  2. Substantive questions - questions that can be answered

Types of philosophical questions

(according to Aristotle's division of sciences)

  1. Theoretical questions
  • Metaphysical questions - understanding what is not recognized by the senses

  • Physical questions
  • Mathemathical questions
  • Practical questions
    • Political questions
    • Ethical questions
    • Economic questions
  • Poetic questions
    • Artistic questions
    • Craft issues
    • Culinary issues
    • Medical issues
    • Skill issues (lol)

    The concept of wisdom

    The concept of a wise man

    Origin of the word philosophy - σοφία (wisdom) and φίλος (friend/lover)

    Heraclitus of Ephesus

    Nickname "The dark one" - mysterious sayings, founder of logic, empiricist, mystic, rationalist, metaphysician, cosmologist

    Pythagoras of Samos

    Mathematician, scientist, astronomer and philosopher

    Founder of the mathematical school - the Pythagorean school

    The school is divided into mathematicians and acousmatics

    1. Acoustists learn: what is, what is best, what should and/or should not be done
    2. Mathematicians learn: Why it is, why it is best, why it should not and/or should be done, mathematicians are taught by values (they are also less numerous than acousmaticians)

    Pythagorean theorem

    The Seven Wise Men

    1. Solon of Athens
    2. Bias of Priene
    3. Pittacus of Mytilene
    4. Thales of Miletus
    5. Pythagoras of Samos

    6. Chilon of Sparta
    7. Cleobulus, tyrant of Lindos

    The list of seven sages has been constantly changing throughout history because the true sages would not declare themselves the wisest man, sometimes a number greater than seven would appear

    Wisdom and philosophy

    Inductive reasoning - reasoning that moves from specific facts to something general, this reasoning is mostly used in premises

    Example: Acoustic and thermal phenomena are phenomena of the movement of molecules

    Light is the movement of photons

    Electromagnetism is the movement of electrons

    Therefore, all physical phenomena are phenomena of movement


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