This is something I need to vent a bit because it's been looming over my head for quite some time. Recently I went to a friend's apartment just to shoot the shit. So, we did and then he said to me "Oh Giuseppe I have totally forgotten about this folder that I had to hand to you" So he hands me a folder and I said to him "Well what's this? He said to me "Well Giuseppe, I feel that it's important that you peel your eyes on this one, believe me you'll understand." So, I opened up the folder and lo and behold, it was all the screenshots of my ex-friend who blocked me on Facebook (Yup good ol Facebook) decided to commit defamation of character by spreading lies and attacking my character all because I pretty much exposed his pernicious lies towards me (Yeah he didn't like very much despite the fact that I've caught his bullshit lies many times over the years but I guess you can't fix stupid) and he did all this three years ago. Didn't surprise me at all despite the fact he's a compulsive liar to begin with. It's disgusting that this person that I thought that I was friends with since high school could go to great measures by committing libel on social media like that is disgusting. I might consider taking him to court and let the law push him around. If you guys have similar experiences, please share it with me.
Narcissism and Libel
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Spacehaze Goddess
What a disgusting human being - they never fail to disappoint do they. He's done you a favour, you are well rid of him. I'm sorry you had to come across a low-life like that. As you say, when you've known them for a long period of time through School days, it feels more of a kick in the teeth.
I've lost a similar long time school friend, and I do miss her; our Dads even worked as apprentices together! I always thought a lot of her and we were close like sisters at one time. But as we both got older, grew apart, led different lives, lost common ground, she became very bitter and negative about life in general. So when she pointed those negative vibes towards me with sarcasm I gave as good as I got, then blocked her on (Facebook again). It's sad really, how life can change some people - for better or worse.
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Well yeah, it's a bit of a rude awakening for me when I saw these screenshots that was given to me thru a source unexpectedly who also loathe these people as well, I was shocked and repulsed by his immoral behavior and all the lies he was spreading about me was quite nauseating. He was getting pretty bold there for a while despite the fact that this was all committed three years ago and pretty cowardly I might add. He's a total narcissist and threating me with legal recourse if i ever dared to release the album onto social media despite the fact that these Gen X goons gave me permission to write music onto their lyrics which they denied. Yes, this was all committed at a time when I was blocked and putting me under duress by drumming up this so called "no contact policy" so he can go behind my back and to commit this egregious underhand stuff against me. Very pernicious and a calculating scumbag that he was and still is. Will there be a pushback to all of this?...maybe, but I might have to contact an attorney about this because this type of behavior is unacceptable.
by Giuseppe; ; Report