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snitches get stitches (vent)

tøday was terrible.

it started øut økay, even thø in the mørning i still felt sørta shitty.

then øn lunch fid and i (hi if yøure reading this fren) had sentimental cønversatiøns as per usual and sang weird søngs

then cømes øptiøn f ør cømputer science.

there were 5 peøple in the class including fid and i and sø we were playing bløøket (like a quiz game) øur teacher høsted and the three øther peøple teamed up against us because we're nerds 

they were calling us mean names when we literally just følløwed game rules?? it was sø annøying and distressing, they're really cømpetitive and even...aggressive? 

and sø we decided tø tell mr peter (øne øf the english teachers that i nøt ønly came øut tø, but i alsø trust him møre than my dad) and sø what we didnt expect him tø react like that cuz he asked whø it was and i said that i aint a snitch but then he sørta guessed and apparently hes gønna talk tø the girl that was bullying us :(

i really didnt want this tø happen since its gønna cause me møre prøblems

and then i had a mental breakdøwn in the schøøl bus øn my way høme and im sø happy nø øne saw me crying

i hate crying in public places

i am nøw gøing tø write a øneshøt i prømised tø a wønderful persøn øn this platførm

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