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Category: Blogging

more ranting

dude i fell asleep with my cup in my hand spilled my coffee onto my bedsheets this is not a good day for crog nation man

ive been drawing quite a lot lately. not sure where the motivation came from but i have improved a lot.

my other mum's boyfriend made strawberry syrup for like, strawberry milk and stuff. best strawberry milk i have ever had im not kidding. i hate artificial strawberry flavour so much honestly, it's the worst thing i've ever tasted. how is that strawberry, it just tastes like, well, really weird sugar. sugar but you added more shit into it.

last time it was orange syrup i think, i can't remember properly. but we had i think what you could call "homemade" fanta. we kinda just mixed it in with soda water. it was really good though, better than any orange flavoured fizzy drink.


how many fucking fire alarms are going to go off

earlier this year in late august we moved to the country where it's a lot cooler, no sirens every night, i have my own room now too. and i come up to the city to stay with my other mum and there has been 3 fires in the span of 19h I'm not even kidding, one was in our building from someone else's house. it was not good. over 20⁰ and i implode. it is so goddamn hot up here im not having a good time.

it's boating season, everything happens in boating season, whether it's bad or positive.

that's a quote from my other mum's boyfriend. i like it a lot so i bring it up whenever something unfortunate happens.

for example, we went on a walk and we saw two birds going at it.

it's boating season, everything happens in boating season, whether it's bad or positive.

i was just handed a bowl of edamame. they're quite tasty. but why did they add a pizza pocket into the bowl. half of one.

half a pizza pocket with a bunch of edamame. how does that mix together.

I also have gotten approved for distance education, but my parents already bought an entire year of homeschooling so they're trying to figure out how to get me approved for that instead.

ive been getting into tally hall recently. & >>>>>>>>>

capitalists, communists, he did the hokey pokey and it went like this. /lyr

i would like to announce that pizza pockets and edamame are good together.

so, tadc.

i hate it and love it.

its so good but im trying so hard to dislike it because i do not want my special interest to change.

ive found it really funny for some reason to swipe type a sentence and see what comes out of it.

that's antennas

↑ "this is a sentence"

should i post my art on here

i dont think anyone would find it interesting anyway

it's traditional too cause i suck at digital

rant over thank you for reading.

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