Shoe Size Rant

Okay, I know that clothing sizes, especially the stuff in the women size section, is completely bullshit and has no rhyme or reason, but why is it that women's shoe sizes bigger than men's? Like I'm a size 9.5 in woman's, but if I get a man's shoe, I'd be a 7.5? And that whole "shoe size legend" with guys, wouldn't they want to have the the shoe size that's 2 above women's and not the other way around? If that was the case and the women's shoe sizes were the "smaller" size, I'd be able to find shoe sizes in stores for me and not have to settle for a half size up or down cuz "we can have 7.5 mens shoes but we can't have 9.5 women's." Like stores only carry up to size 8.5 in the half sizes. Make all the shit unisex and be done with it and if you have to have women's or men's for whatever reason, give the women the lower running shoe sizes. 

All of this to say I hate shoe shopping in stores since Payless closed down. They always had shit in my size and I didn't have to order shit online.

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